not sure if you're still looking at this game, but there is a bug where you could keep replaying the card in the 'discard pile' lol. I played a Short Bow and then I just kept clicking the Short Bow in the 'graveyard' and killed everything with just that one card haha
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nice! only nitpick is i wish the button was on the right hand side of the board - since after attacking i often need to click the end turn button, so i end up having to constantly move my mouse all the way to the left and then all the way to the right
also, for some reason all my wheezings that had mist now have recovery glyphs on them instead! weird. I'm using btw
just 'cleared' the game! what kept me going was the super catchy soundtrack :D give my thanks to Joel.. these songs are gonna get stuck in my head for weeks lol
like many others have mentioned, not really a fan of the snake pathing phase. very hard to properly manage pinpoint movements
late game, when i have so many minions (4+ rows when i hover over the left side), managing them becomes very tedious. i also found it very hard to clump all minions together and they were trickling out one by one, causing all of them to die quickly.. partially my fault because i didn't read about the 'Cooldown' stat :P but the fact that i still managed the clear the game says something i guess? everything else is quite intuitive tho :D
took me one failed run to figure out i should hold off on clearing the earlier stages by not taking the keys and instead try to collect all coins to be able to afford beefier minions. but the coins don't respawn, correct? this strat isn't possible in the later stages tho since the Defenders spawn a lot more and if i tried to 'farm' too long i might not have been able to finish those levels
minions i was most happy to have (other than the big golem guys) were the wolf boys that spawn shields to all nearby minions when something dies. most underwhelming minions were the heals nearby units ones, maybe i just didn't realize how much they were actually healing, but it certainly wasn't noticeable (also my inability to clump up minion spawns might have contributed to it also)
great experience overall, excited to play this again after more stuff are added ^o^ thank you so much and keep up the good work!