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A member registered Jul 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks for the feedback. I’ll update the game so after you die you don’t see the level flyby! Thanks!

Great stuff! Reminded me of Horace goes Skiing all those years ago

Fun to play - reminded me of spending time on my Nokia 2210 playing snake! 

Game can be found here:

Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it. Granted the button should be in the same place, will move it if I make any further updates. Glad you liked the dad, he was modeled on my own father! Got an idea for CBK2 where Kevin is faced with difficult challenges in everyday life, like hitting a bully with his ball in the playground. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

I loved how frustrating this is! I am still trying to master the spin move. Have you thought about keeping score - much like a golf game? Should each level has a "par". Is every level achievable in 1 shot too in order to increase the challenge of the game? Really enjoyed playing it though!


I have released a demo of my latest game Stage Dive! You are Hudson Howl, aspiring rock star, on a quest to get to the top of the music industry. However, to get the public’s attention you decide to spend more time in the crowd than you do on stage  

Currently I have released a demo of the first four levels with more to come. 

I hope you enjoy the demo! 

thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it. I’ll look into the bug and aim to fix it ASAP. 

Such a great idea - loved playing it

Kev­in is a young boy that en­joys play­ing foot­ball in the garden. He loves to score goals. 

However, his fath­er, Big Mick, feels that is not the best use of his time.

In or­der to hone Kev­in's skills, dad only wants him to hit the cross bar. If you achieve this then he is happy. If you don't then he will be pour scorn on your soul!


I've tried to upload a HTML5 game to my profile, however it says I have 688 files attached, which is 188 over the limit. Is it possible to raise the limit to 1000 to allow my game? I read an earlier thread where some users had their HTML5 file limit set to 1000. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
