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A member registered Mar 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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First, I’m really sorry you experienced this issue, this behaviour is definitely not intended. Were you playing the Windows version or the web version? The web version can sometimes be less stable, so we recommend the Windows version for a smoother experience.

Thanks for trying our game!

No, I wasn’t. I don’t know which previews you are referring to, as I don’t follow Chilla’s Art and wasn’t aware of them before Shinkansen 0’s release on Steam.

(1 edit)

I apologize for the poor performance you have experienced. I am well aware of the issue, but I can’t assure you that I can fix it anytime soon. 😞

In any case, I have updated the description to notify future players of this issue.

Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

It’s alright, thank you for trying though!! 😁

One of my favourites so far. The idea is cool, the puzzles are well done, the graphics, despite being simple, are beautiful and the game is very polished. I’ll be rooting for your game. 👏🏻

The only thing I would change is showing controls based on the player’s device, for example: if I’m using a keyboard, the UI will show inputs from the keyboard instead of the controller. I know you put it in the description (and that’s what saved my gameplay 😆), but it would be better if it appeared correctly in the game.

Maybe also add some feedback on the record echoes mechanic, one sound or effect to indicate when the recording started and ended, so I have an idea of what my echo is going to be like when I use it.

(1 edit)

The character is too fast, which makes me feel a little dizzy, and it is very hard to interact with the other NPCs as others also pointed out. Besides that, your game is cool and has potential! 😊


  • Improve the visibility of “E” and “Shift” UI prompts, maybe make them bigger and clearer, if they were placed above the interactable object it would be even better. I almost didn’t notice it.
  • I think adding a UI with the tasks you have to complete would be nice! If I talk to more than one NPC after a while I forget what I’m supposed to do. 😆

Possible bugs:

  • I don’t know if this is intended, but: after trying again, I misclicked the second option when interacting with the NPC that says something about Europe (I couldn’t even read it completely because I clicked so fast 🥲), and I couldn’t interact with him again, I tried going far and then approached him again but nothing happened. The key “Shift” appeared in the corner, but he wasn’t interactable anymore.
  • I guess I was supposed to find an item close to the cat but there was nothing there for me, or there wasn’t any feedback that I got it, or maybe I didn’t understand the task.
  • It was said to follow the arrows, but when I followed that bent arrow ( ) I couldn’t find anything. Is there another arrow that I’m supposed to follow?

Here’s mine:

Thank you! I’ll rate your game soon. 😊

What a lovely game! The art is gorgeous. 🥹 I’d suggest adding a scoring system with penalties for clicking on blank spaces too many times.

Thank you! I hope you enjoy it.

I’ll check out your game when I have some free time.

(3 edits)

In Build 15, there was a mistake in reducing the coaches to 3 instead of the intended 10. Although it remains the latest and best playable version, I wanted to clarify this discrepancy.

In Build 14, you’ll find the expected 10 coaches, but there’s a bug at the end of the run that freezes the player’s view. The workaround is to simply open and close the pause menu by pressing ESC two times.

Both versions will be left available as “shorter” and “longer” versions. If you have less time to play, you might prefer to play the shorter version, and vice versa. There’s no difference in gameplay despite this one bug fix. Thanks for your understanding.

muito obrigada pelo feedback tiago 🥹

ainda vou tornar esse jogo um jogo de horror de respeito, então se prepare que na próxima vez que eu te pedir para testar aí sim vc vai precisar se preocupar com sustos do além 😃!!!

here’s mine! I hope you have fun! 😊

thanks for the feedback! if you don’t mind me asking, how long did it take to complete the game or how much time were you willing to spend? I was unsure about the length of the game, but I didn’t get any feedback on it before the end of the jam 🥲

muitissimo obrigada pelo feedback felipe e tb pelos elogios! <3

to anotando tudo e já tô fazendo as alterações necessárias, agora, nao querendo me justificar mas já me justificando, isso do mesmo vagão parecer igual é a intenção mesmo porque é como se fosse um jogo dos sete erros, e só um dos objetos muda de forma, de lugar, de comportamento etc. mas entendo mesmo o problema e acho que depois que a jam acabar vou tentar modelar mais objetos, como tive que aprender blender durante a jam eu não consegui fazer coisas muito mirabolantes 😆

eu pensei em fazer uma espécie de wiki no computador para o jogador poder “estudar” as anomalias, meio que inspirado no jogo Home Safety Hotline. acabei desistindo da ideia pelo tempo curto, mas agora que você citou esse problema, vou voltar a estudar essa solução também

Nice game, the art is really cool! Just a few suggestions:

  • Add some instructions to teach the player how to change weapons - if there are any I didn’t see them, so I’m sorry if that’s the case
  • Decrease the camera shaking a little, after a while it gets really tiring 🥲
  • Make it mandatory to choose a name, I started the game without thinking much and now my name in the ranking is “ENTER_NAME” 😆
  • Lastly, a bug I found: I got stuck after accidentally clicking outside the game, I couldn’t move anymore even if I clicked in the game again, and I lost because of it. 😿

Thank you! 💗😻

Thankss! <3

Thanks for the feedback! 😻

This game is so fun! I love the charge attack 😊

Glad to hear it!

Thank you so much for the feedback! 💘 We will probably update it once the voting is over.

This game is so cute! I loved it!

It would be nice if holding down the fire button kept the character shooting. After a while, my wrist hurts a little from all the clicking. 🥲

Thank you!! 😊💞

Hello, Kai! If you had trouble with moving before, I don’t think it was your laptop. I had this issue too while developing the game (in the engine), but restarting the game worked fine so I thought it was a Unity issue. 😆

Thanks! 😊

For some reason, the UI gets all messed up if you don’t use the full-screen mode. But it gets a bit laggy when I enable it. I’m not sure if it’s my laptop or the game.

Still, I really liked the game! Took me a while to understand that I should shoot down to reach the platforms, but once I figured it out, it was really fun to play! This is a really cool mechanic. 😊

Thanks! That’s nice to hear! 💘

Took me a while to understand the game, mainly because I wasn’t playing it in fullscreen at first. If possible, I’d suggest you add the instruction to play in fullscreen in the description, I think it will help the players.

Also, I missed a more sophisticated UX/UI, as there was not much feedback on what was going on. I really liked the concept of the game, though!


Thanks! 💓

Thank you!! I’m glad you liked it 🥰

Thanks! 😊 Unfortunately, I only saw your comment now 🥲. We will fix this in the next update, after the rating stage.

Can you please try refreshing the page?


obrigada finn!! que bom que o nosso esforço para deixar os puzzles mais intuitivos deram resultado. pra essa primeira fase vamos manter o monstro fácil, mas quem sabe não adicionamos uma fase com ele solto? 👁️

então o crayon continuava azul mesmo quando tu tava bem distante…? interessante 🧐🧐🧐 mt obrigada pelos detalhes extras, vou tentar reproduzir aqui depois 😄

boa observação sobre o E, usamos E por ser um padrão entre a maioria dos jogos utilizar E ou F, e minha preferência pessoal é o E, mas o espaço não é uma má opção, talvez deixar as três liberadas pra usar pode ser uma boa!

o pior é que era pras setas funcionarem também, mas aparentemente assim que você clicava ou no WASD ou nas setas ele bloqueava o input do outro (?) tenho que investigar isso

na próxima versão os crayons estarão mais espaçados e espero que esses probleminhas do input resolvidos também, e aí conto contigo pra testar de novo hehe, tô só esperando a luna liberar para atualizar a build 😆

mt obrigada!!!

que estranho isso do crayon azul, é a primeira vez que escutamos sobre esse bug, vou investigar melhor! você acha que se a gente deixasse a salinha dos crayons maiores e eles mais bem espalhados, esse bug ainda ocorreria? acredito que aquela salinha ficou bem apertadinha

aaahh que honra <3 a personagem andar meio torto faz parte do conceito artistico mesmo

mt obrigada pelo feedback 🤗

anotadinho 🥸! infelizmente não deu tempo de balancear o monstrão direito, mas aí já sabemos o que fazer na segunda fase 🤭. e sobre o tema, ele entra mais na narrativa do que na gameplay, como você não conseguiu terminar o jogo, não pegou a outra parte da narrativa :(

muito obrigada <3

obrigadaaa <3 🤭🤭