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FootloseView game page

It's your last day in the city, what can go wrong?
Submitted by CarthDwight — 7 hours, 22 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 31 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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The idea of ​​dirtying a city without consequences

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Gotta go fast!
I really like the open city. You immediately get the urge to walk through the whole city and explore everything.

But all the points of criticism have already been mentioned by the others.

Submitted (1 edit)

Nice game. Other already said enough about movement speed. I liked the idea of quests in te city. But I don't think the quests were weird enough to fit the aberration theme. I think the fishing minigame is a bit too boring. You can just sit there spamming E and get all the fish you want. The fish doesn't even have to be on screen. The time guy is annoying as hell. Not in the good way. Too fast and takes too much. It's too punishing. I couldn't find the taxi station. There were some yellow cars, but approaching them did nothing. I had close to $1500 and then I got robbed twice and lost all of it. The thief can also get you into the -money territory which is even move frustrating. 

Edit: I managed to beat the game finally. I gon't understand why I need a ticket to get a taxi. I think interacting with an actual taxi would be better.


I am just wondering can you really escape the thief? Because picking this choice seems not working at all. And damn, this guy is as fast as Yohann Diniz. :)

At first sight, it is obvious that you did a lot for this demo. In terms of assets and so on. I appreciate that you include a mini map. I also appreciate that you don't give too much indication to the player. Recent games don't trust the player enough. And last but not the least the music... A groovy one! Did you create it? 


i had no idea what to expect when i first started the game, but i was pleasantly surprised! really enjoyed this world you created, i love the idea of running around performing odd jobs in this weird city so you can get out xd! a lot of strange aberrated characters you have to deal with (and with the dialogue choices you're given, you can be pretty aberrated yourself xd). i like the effort that went into making this large city, really makes it feel alive, though for a jam like this, i feel it would have been fine to condense the city into something smaller since i felt like i would often get lost trying to find the character i accepted a quest for. a smaller city would also allow for the character to be fine having a lower movement speed, although i enjoyed schmooving it could feel pretty dizzying at times (especially when i walk past the tiled grids). the minimap is nice too it was a nice addition to keep track of landmarks, but some of the icons kinda of confused me, didn't know how to interpret the arrows (not sure if im dumb there xd).

other than that, really nice gameplay! the quests were quite fun and can be accomplished alongside each other which is a nice plus! made most of my money just walking around picking up litter, which i think is the perfect quest for this type of game since it encourages players to explore every single part of the map, which leads to finding even more stuff to do, nice job here! loved avoiding the person asking for the time as well, kept me on my toes, though i wish their "hitbox" trigger wasn't so big, felt like the dialogue triggered when i wasn't that close to them. also small nitpick, wish there was an interaction prompt when going near the taxi station since i was a little lost on what to do when i earned enough money.

the city layout is really nice, felt like a lot of attention was put here. a lot of variety in each of the city blocks while still maintaining a sense realism of how these areas would be laid out! the art also looks nice together, though one suggestion if you made the art assets is to stay consistent with whether you use outlines or not. some of them have black outlines and some of them do not, so having them stay consistent with the art style would elevate that level of visual presentation nicely! also loved the music here, was very fun to listen too while going through the game!

overall, this was really fun and i think the idea has a lot of potential, could see a slower version of this where it operates on a day system and events happen within the city! great work!


Hello friend, thank you very much for playing, the truth is that many errors in the game are partly because I wanted to make a game a little big but exhaustion got the better of me, the truth is I want to release an update when the Jam ends, to fix what is missing


I really appreciate your comment.


Pretty fun! I like to farm the person who asks for the time's money by standing in the top left corner of the map. Good job!


Don't be so sarcastic either hahaha, I'm sorry it was a mistake in the way the thief appears that I didn't foresee


This game was interesting! I noticed straight away that the player runs at mach 1 :) that, of course can be a bit of an issue. The gameplay itself was decent, with the whole minigame thing was quite cool! However, the player movement is... too fast, and with starting and stopping suddenly being a thing, it can feel a bit janky. As well as that, every UI element aside from the textbox is a bit small. I also never beat the game because I did not know where to go. Overall, this game is a pretty cool romp, although the lack of SFX and clear/easy to see indication. Still, Nice work!(sorry if this sounds harsh)


Mach1 hahahahaha, I'll work on it, thanks for playing


Interesting idea. I would suggest that you somehow make the moving a bit smoother; I found myself going all over the place while I was getting used to it. Another thing is to make the controls a bit more clear on the screen; I didn't realise I had to press E on the apartment door because it was so tiny in the corner of the screen. I love the music btw!


Hello friend, thank you very much for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it.


Hey, that was an interesting game! and enjoyable with the background music, I wish the movement speed could be reduced or maybe a walk and a run speed would have given the player a little more agency in the movement.
Good ending graphics!


Hello friend, the truth is that it made me super happy that you were able to have fun hahaha, I will try to fix all that and release another version, thank you very much for playing


Nice game. Only feedback is, Movement is too fast, and sometimes it keeps stuck due to the collision. 


Thank you very much for playing, I will take that into account when I update it


Interesting game and I had fun playing it. One of the issues were the character moving to fast and it's kinda dizzying for me and arrows the lead to nowhere. Overall, I think this game has alot of potential. Just needs some polishing. Good job!


Ty so much friend

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The character walking so fast is kind of weird. But in such a big city it's still convenient. Maybe you should have made the area smaller because a lot of it isn't very useful. I managed to gather $1000 (mostly by fishing because I didn't find anything else in the city that could earn me money) but I didn't find where to go at the end. Maybe there should be a message telling you where to go.

Apart from that the music and the visuals in the city look pretty good and I like the fact that we have a minimap indicating points of interest. The game has a lot of potential. Well done!


Hello, thank you very much for playing, the truth is I left a lot to intuition to be honest haha, but I will try to take all the feedback I can now and update the game after the Jam. (You could try to go to the taxi station ;) )

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The character is too fast, which makes me feel a little dizzy, and it is very hard to interact with the other NPCs as others also pointed out. Besides that, your game is cool and has potential! 😊


  • Improve the visibility of “E” and “Shift” UI prompts, maybe make them bigger and clearer, if they were placed above the interactable object it would be even better. I almost didn’t notice it.
  • I think adding a UI with the tasks you have to complete would be nice! If I talk to more than one NPC after a while I forget what I’m supposed to do. 😆

Possible bugs:

  • I don’t know if this is intended, but: after trying again, I misclicked the second option when interacting with the NPC that says something about Europe (I couldn’t even read it completely because I clicked so fast 🥲), and I couldn’t interact with him again, I tried going far and then approached him again but nothing happened. The key “Shift” appeared in the corner, but he wasn’t interactable anymore.
  • I guess I was supposed to find an item close to the cat but there was nothing there for me, or there wasn’t any feedback that I got it, or maybe I didn’t understand the task.
  • It was said to follow the arrows, but when I followed that bent arrow ( ) I couldn’t find anything. Is there another arrow that I’m supposed to follow?

Hello, thank you very much for playing, I am taking note of everything you tell me for the next update.

As for the errors, the shift with the npc I already talked to was an oversight in a variable that should have been false haha, and about the arrows it was a way of trying to take the player to the place in the office where they used the icon about the money, although well I think I was a little confused.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Woah - that guy's a fast mover :) You probably want to slow him down a bit...

I liked the look of the game and it had a nice style. 

Was a bit confused how to even get out of the first room - the instructions on the page said to use shift to interact but that didn't work for me - however, after randomly pressing keys at the door it seemed 'E' worked and I got outside. 

The mini map said follow the arrow, but there didn't seem to be an arrow - perhaps that wasn't finished in time?

Got great potential though, it had a really good style and the beginnings of something cool.


Well I think the arrows on the mini map were a mistake haha and the letters were more for not being monotonous, but in the end they caused a problem, thanks for the feedback and I'm very happy that you liked it, I'll release an update when the JAM ends


It's a simple game with some fun dialogue, the music is good, a fairly quick experience. It could have been a lot better if you added some sound effects, even if it was just one or two that played when you interacted with people. Some more bug testing would have also been great, as I had the recycling NPC get her dialogue box stuck, so I couldn't see the minimap anymore. Overall, it was nice. 


Thank you very much friend, the truth is I missed several things when I was doing the error testing, but I plan to upload a completely fixed version when the Jam is over


Aah yes, being robbed for 110$, working for only 90$ in the bank and making your salvation as the garbage man, the true modern experience. Nice game to play while drinking a beer, hahaha

Things I like:

  • Pretty good writing, paired really well with the simple premise of the game. Walk around in the city, find random scammers, interact with them and have a laugh. Simple and effective!
  • You can move pretty fast through the city, which makes it easy to explore and find stuff.

Things I think could be better:

  • Interacting with stuff was very inconsistent, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, sometimes I could move around mid dialogue and trying to select a dialogue option would cause my character to move instead.
  • There was no way to keep track of what people told us. I never figured out how to fish because the fishing guy wouldn't explain to me again. I also didn't figure out what I was supposed how much money I needed and where I had to take it, I had to read it from the game's page.

The truth is I'm glad you enjoyed it haha, I wanted to use the buttons so that the interaction wasn't so monotonous, and to be honest I got a little exhausted in the last moments and I thought I was fine with just the map and the dialogues , but well it starts somewhere, thank you very much for the feedback


You went for humor and that's a plus. I couldn't expect that a homeless man would keep part of my reward for himself because "saving Europe".

When it comes to controls, have you used any automated library/framework? It seems there are some duplicities, such as E/Shift for the "action" key. Getting the mouse pointer to take part in the game is also risky. If it depended on me, I would used a more consistent control, so the player doesn't get surprised by new ways of procedure (maybe arrows & ASDW to move and Space to interact).

The idea of displaying several minigames in a map makes the minigames to multiply de depth of what you are showing. It wold get better if some minigames are interconnected, so you get to build subsystems that work underneath the main map; that would make the player wonder to what extent this game can push te limits.


I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the feedback, the truth is I used different buttons to want to differentiate but I think it really gets in the way a little haha


I think this is a slice of life type of game.

What first got my attention were wonky item sizes. Furniture in our apartment is huge compared to our character. At the same time the doors are tiny! It's not a big deal, but it is the first thing I noticed.

Unfortunately, I was not able to experience fishing, as I could not find the fishing area, which was a bummer. But I found a chicken leg for 200$, donated 100$ to save Europe (from what?), ran away from crazy homeless person, and was unable to get to the business person, who was just rambling about getting out of this dump.

It turns out if you turn away the minigame at the cowboy hat icon person, you can never change your mind and play it. I suppose I hurt the dude's feelings the first time :<.


Some npc are very sensitive to rejection :( and some to the needs of the old continent


It's got a nice vibe to it, pretty chill.


It's got a nice vibe to it, pretty chill.


Ty bud


That was super cute and a fun idea. I also reeeally like the music. Very nice!!! :)


Ty budd

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