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Joaquín Bazterrica

A member registered Mar 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Wow, good game, neat mechanics and achieves the theme perfectly. Great!

(1 edit)

Hi 0x72! I used your assets in my game for the "Mini Jam 25: Spirits" ( and I won 1st place! Thanks! :D

Hola Namikko, gracias por jugar y votar!

Hola Celianoemi, genial que te haya gustado el juego y hayas tenido una buena experiencia jugandolo. Gracias por votar!

Hola RomyAcosta, me alegro que te haya gustado el juego y gracias por votar!

Hola moniqdesosa, me parece genial que te haya gustado el juego y muchas gracias por jugar!

Hola frapin76, gracias por votar!

Hola Tomp3col, gracias por los comentarios sobre el juego y me alegro que te haya gustado. Espero seguir sacando juegos para que los sigas jugando!

Hi Fmlad, thanks for your vote and I'm glad you liked it as much as I loved doing it! About the no text limitation... I reached out to the hosts of the Jam, and they decided that because it was too little text and only in the menus of the game, they let me pass this one but I will be more careful for the next one ;) Anyway, thank you again for your feedback and I hope to see you again in another Game Jam! :D

Hi! I'm in the making of a new free VR Game and for that to happen I need your feedback! Also, if you want a good VR Game once it finishes, feel free to follow me ;D

Here is the link!