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A member registered Mar 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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Happy birthday! Thank you for the great game! 

You're welcome! Perhaps filing it under character creation wasn't the wisest of choices on my part. In the future, I may break that information out into its own section. 

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The text does specify colored d6s in Step 5 of character creation and names them (e.g. stress die, health die, etc). I specifically use Traveller5 dice. Also, thank you for the kind words! I hope that you enjoy the game! 

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Thank you for the kind words. I have plans to expand these rules at some point to include starship pursuit rules among other things, but for now I'm happy with the one-page. 

The setting is Traveller's Third Imperium, but I can't say that in the document due to legal IP reasons. I did hint at it heavily, though. :) 

Regarding the occupation table, that's intentional (and also why the option to simply choose an occupation is included). 

Thank you for the kind words! Combat is a difficulty roll per The Basics. Damage is rolled only if the 'to hit' (i.e. attack) roll is successful. 

You're welcome! 

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Ah! Just roll 1d6 for damage! :) This is listed under "health and damage" in the document. 

Excellent! (Also, if this gets more eyes on a WiP, all the better!) 

I suppose I should've asked before submitting my game, but is it okay to submit a WiP? It's fully playable as-is, but it lacks artwork and will be getting a small sandbox setting and introductory adventure added in the future (and will probably be headed to Kickstarter to pay for artwork and professional layout as well as a print version). 

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Sorry for that! A called shot is necessary to target a specific unarmored part of the body. Otherwise, it's up to luck (the random location roll) as to whether a character hits an unarmored body part. This is what I meant to indicate. I can clean that up in a future revision. 

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Hi, Lucius. Thank you for the kind words! Re: deflected attacks. As written, yes, a deflected attack deals damage to the new target. And it was my intent that an already deflected hit cannot be deflected a second time (although I did not spell that out explicitly, so you made a great call). 

Still not fixed in the "individuals" file. ;)

Thank you! The graphics are courtesy of Dean Spencer and Kirilot. Both can be found on DriveThruRPG. The mechanics are a greatly expanded take on my business card RPG (which I literally have printed on the back of my business cards). 

Thanks for the kind words! That's part of why I opened it up under the CC - I wholly encourage people to tinker with it to their heart's delight. :) 

You're welcome! Be sure to check out the new document! :) 

I am so excited for this! Brighthammer is something I really want to get to the table, now that my current editing gig is over. 

Advice on Magic & Spells would be welcomed.

You are correct.

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1. Popcorn initiative is definitely a high trust endeavor. Popcorn initiative really isn't too concerned with mechanical balance in any game that uses it - it's about doing what is fair and fun for the players. 

When I run games using popcorn initiative (including Sword Omen), I just try my best to be fair and fun, using the narrative environment as a guideline and taking into consideration any skills that characters have, as well. 

This comes back to rulings, not rules. 

Going back to the example of an ambush, once the first NPC has taken action, it's feasible that a PC may have the time to quickly square up the situation - especially if they had stated they were moving carefully and have a skill like "combat tactics". 

In such a situation, I'd probably let that PC take action next and, potentially, bark some commands to his allies, making them aware of where other foes are located, as well. 

2. All defense actions are taken as an immediate response to an attack action. So, for example, if Enemy X attacks a PC, that PC immediately gets to take their first (free) defense action. They may take more defense actions during the turn in this manner if attacked again. I'll try to clear this up in a future revision. 

3. By default, attack actions automatically deal damage unless defended against using a defense action. No skills are compared. BUT if you're resolving a contest of weapon skill that isn't actual combat with an intent to kill (say, such as that scene in the Dark Crystal involving Trial by Stone or a fencing contest), then you would compare skills as using the rules for standard action resolution. I need to go back and clarify this as well. 

Thank you for your questions!

That fellow with the monster hand is a magi (one of the species of player characters). They can cast more magic rituals per day than other characters at the cost of such physical mutation (such mutations don't have a mechanical effect, but can impact the narrative and interactions with other people). 

Bloodborne wasn't really an inspiration, as I've never played it, BUT the implied setting is certainly open enough that you can drop such things in - and the game is lethal enough that it might even be a good fit. 

Awesome! Thank you so much for the quick reply.

Are the rules for "Swap Weapons" meant to be duplicated in the text? They appear both in the Exploration Phase and the Combat Phase. 

It was not and the situation seems to have resolved itself. Weird! 

I've uploaded five project and they all show up under my dashboard but, if I log out and search for my name, when I view my storefront/profile it says that I have only created only four projects (and only four are visible). The one I can't see is Token Storytelling. Why can't I see that one title? 

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I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to welcoming you earlier, but I've been dealing with some significant upheaval in my personal life (I know, no excuse, but it is what it is). So....

Welcome to the In the Worlds of the Witch Queen game jam! 

I'm looking forward to seeing however you expand upon or remix the In the Lair of the Witch Queen rules to introduce new play options, new settings, or even entirely new Witch Queens! Show me what you got! 

Thank you for taking the time to join this, my first game jam here on itch. I deeply appreciate it and, depending upon how things go, I absolutely plan to do more game jams in the future based on more of my open source rule sets and you're all invited!