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Josh Dyer

A member registered Sep 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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I'm not sure you read my post. I said as much when I said they were very generous. I only mentioned it for two reasons. The first was the theme video mentioned no late submissions because it included two weekends, but not everyone has the same weekend in regards to work. The second reason is that had it been the full two weeks to give everyone a second weekend in case something came up as did on my first one, I would have had at least one day, and possibly a second one depending on my schedule to compete.

Also, I did pick this one because I like the hosts and it did fit my schedule. As I mentioned, though, a co-worker called out on my only day off during the 10 day window of the jam. That is something beyond my control. I don't want to compete in just any game jam, but rather specific ones that are part of the communities or by the people I enjoy following.

I know you were very generous, especially compared to some other jams, but I wanted to let you know that not everyone's weekend falls on the actual weekend. My weekend falls on the start of the week, with one or two days off between Monday and Thursday. Unfortunately, the week of the jam, a co-worker called out requiring me to work on my only day off during the entire 10 day period. I have two jobs as well, as many do these days, so other than my day(s) off, I do not have any spare time. I really wanted to compete, but the time just wasn't there. I know this isn't your fault, as again, you were very generous. I just wanted to say this so you might consider a 14 or 15 day jam next time giving everyone who works two jobs a chance, even when their weekend doesn't coincide with the calendar weekend. Thanks.

Funny story, I actually started calling the pink one Patty McFatty. The blue one I started calling Ben Bonk because he was always bonking his head on a corner when you didn't want him to. lol

I have to ask, are the two players stats (move speed/weight) ever so slightly different? I swear the pink one was always heavier/slower. It could be browser lag, or the time between processing one vs. the other, but I swear the pink one always felt sluggish. I'd find on certain levels the order made certain jumps easier if I changed the order of who went where..

Other than that, loved the game! Would totally play more levels!

I'm just loving this wall climb/flying power up! Hi, little Birdie! I can fly, too! lol

Also, the bones sometimes get stuck in mid air for a little while, or stuck in weird places. lol

My favorite is the dancing bones glitch. Play with the bones enough and you can get them stuck inside each other and they start vibrating and dancing around all by themselves. I'd call this a feature! ha ha

Can confirm. Bone Elevator can be made before getting the fork. It took forever to get the bones over that wall without the Ogre, though. The Ogre makes getting them over there much easier.

I think it has to do with part of the fork movement being allowed before you have the fork? Idk, Sorry.

As far as I could tell, the wall climb glitch doesn't work after the fork. Now for the skull elevator, you have to have the fork to get them over there, I think...hmmm, something else to try to do tomorrow...muhahaha

Talent? Boredom? Super power? lol

It was clear. I was just having fun seeing what I could break with the bones. They were funny bones

Don't try and move the sleeping ogre with can a little, but the bones can also bone you. I got stuck here riding this bone until I turned into a pile myself. (Stuck, no response to any input...had to restart the game.)

What are you two up to in this corner...

Made myself a skull and cross bones elevator...Is this a secret area? There appears to be a ceiling that I can't jump through...

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Apparently wall climbing is a thing. I don't think this glitch is how it is intended?
You're supposed to find a...
Fork...Yeah, the glitch goes away once you get this object...
Also, be sure to...
pet the doggy! He's a good boy...
He's a Big Boi! :)

This glitch can let you get to fun places...

Figured it out, too, if it isn't a move. Hold left and up against a left wall and then hold right. ZOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM! Sky high in seconds!

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Found another physics bug?? Or is wall climbing a move in this game?

To reproduce, go next to a wall and press up for a split second before pressing left and right at the same time. (I think.) It is some issue with pressing these three buttons at or near the same time.

The most common issue is the spacebar stops responding here, but this is the most consistent position I could find for that. Still can't find a consistent spot for the full physics stuck bug. lol

Just stand here (note the position of the right horn and the tree trunk - not aligned perfectly, about one full tap of the right key and then face left again) then do a full click jump holding no other buttons. If done right all animations on the character stop and he just stands there. You can still move left and right here, but if you clip just right (very hard to reproduce, like 1 in 100 jumps) he gets stuck completely in the wall, but it only lasts about 2 seconds. I've tried screen capturing it, but he's always out before it takes. Sorry.

I did get it again. Lol, Literally right here, but not sure how to do it consistently. Took many tries. It looks almost the exact spot as before, but it must be a pixel or two off. Sometimes just the spacebar quits responding to jump, but sometimes the character won't respond to left of right either, and it sounds like he's being knocked around for a few seconds before falling down to the ground.

I was jumping from the rock background by the tree trying to land as close to the tip as possible to try and jump over this ledge when I got stuck for a second. Tried several times and haven't gotten it to do it again...

Definitely need a restart level button or key. (Sorry if there is one mentioned in the options menu, as I never opened that.) I didn't get stuck permanently like a guy on reddit mentioned, but I did have to very slowly edge my way out from between a spike wall and a bullet that were corpsing me over and over. Finally got out enough to jump away. lol

Fun and intriguing game mechanic!

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Really enjoyed playing, but the turtle is a little buggy, sometimes getting stuck on top of the player making you have to quit and restart the game. Might want to add a check that if the player and the turtle have the same position, bump the player to one of the spots next to the turtle that is free for the player to move onto. It might cause a puzzle to break to an easier position, but better than locking the game. Also, is it intentional that the turtle can't enter some rooms? I was able to get him all over the place, but some rooms he wouldn't go into and this breaks the immersion a little imo. If that is to prevent deadlocks or something, maybe a "No turtles." sign or something next to the door that the turtle can't enter would be helpful. I'll try and beat the game again later. Thanks for an interesting puzzle game. Also, the graphics do look a bit better now.

Other than that and a few other minor issues, it was a great game! Especially for being done in only 24 hours

Found it too. I think it is from hitting the end game trigger before you're meant to. This glitch can cause seizures. My screen started flashing crazily when I tried dashing left and right to get my character to come back. Never did. Also had to force windows to kill the game. Had to do the same when it ended.


I took it as number of victims. It starts as 236 and increments one when you die.

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Replayed it (without dashing right in the input room) and managed to get to the end. If you are stuck trying to figure out how to enter the code, click on the input area with the mouse. Might seem intuitive to some, but considering until now it has been all keyboard input, this is unexpected (bad design, imo). Also, after the ending I don't know if there is anything after the red number, but I clicked and pressed keys all over the place and nothing happens. No way to exit the game. Had to have windows force close it. Was there an exit key or was there more and I just didn't know what to do? Very dissatisfying. I enjoyed the game play and the ending was on point, but the seizure bug and the no exit spoiled this for me. Sorry if this seems too negative. I definitely understand the time constraint issue and it is good for having that time limit, but please at least give the program an exit key. Also, minor point. ASWD is fine, but especially if using the qwerty keyboard layout, arrow keys are better. The left and right keys were mapped properly, but the jump key up arrow was not. Again, not to bash what you did, just constructive criticism

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Major game crashing bug. If you dash to the right in the input room your player disappears, but you can still control him. All interactions other than ground quit working and the game starts seizure inducing flashing when continuing to try dashing to the right (or it might have been left, I dashed all over the place trying to get the player to show up again). Can't even quit out of the game. Having to make windows force quit the process. I know it was created in a day, but there definitely needs to be a seizure warning, so here it is.

Was able to trigger the bug multiple play throughs. I think it has to do with hitting the end game trigger before you're meant to. Maybe disable the dash in the input room?

Atlantis community · Created a new topic Review

Story - 9

The game has the classic feel, the graphics are right at home, the story, while a little short and lacking animations to go with it, is on point. I'd probably work on the story a little bit, and maybe just a hair on gameplay. It did feel like spamming the fire buttons was the best strategy. I'd try and discourage this with maybe a difficulty level that allows you to limit fire power, or a recharge timer for each turret. Also, maybe add a cross hair above for each that could be turned on or off based on difficulty. Otherwise it is hard to aim the left and right turrets as well, but maybe that is intended? Anyway, great start for a prototype. Look forward to seeing more!

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Hey. It crashed when I chose the kill option with the heart on the screen.

Null Reference Exception

Invoking error handler due to

abort(237) at Error

    at jsStackTrace (

One last thing I remembered. One of the character's dialogs flows outside the dialog box area.

Also, it is a little odd to require the space bar to jump at the beginning, but have no other use for it in the game?? Unless there was a secret I missed? Cute little game, though.

Is the end screen supposed to just not respond to anything and you have to hit escape to get the mouse back and force close on windows or is there an exit button that I'm missing? I even tried clicking the mouse and it doesn't seem to work either.

LMAO!!! Fun game to play, but the AI cheats, regularly shoving you into the water in such a way that the car can no longer move! I restarted the race so many times. Still haven't beaten the first level. Don't know if it is just me...

Reminds me of an old Atari game Moon Rover I think was the name. Anyway, the game definitely is a good  start. With more levels, variety of traps/enemies, and some improvements in the music and sound effects this could be a solid game. One major problem was if you were hit by the aliens on the second level you could not get off them. They'd drag you all the way back until you died. Maybe remove the alien that you were hit by so this doesn't happen.

Nice concept, graphics are great, sound decent, but the controls were horrific. Many times unresponsive, I constantly found myself having to reset the game because the player would no longer jump. Not sure what you were using to prevent double jumping, but it made for a frustrating time when you were on a crate or fan edge and could not jump or move. At least there was a reset level button. Also, it would have been nice to know which object was in which slot as switching between moving/jumping and selecting objects for the other control often led to deselecting the wrong object which also got me stuck and resetting the level several times. Maybe you could color one with a blue outline and the other with a red outline. Also, maybe have an X and a Y on the outline for those that are color blind. While the separate mouse and keyboard controls are a little different to get used to, they could work well for a puzzle game like this if they were just a tad more responsive. One other issue I could not figure out was why sometimes the jump would literally just be a tiny hop, not even enough to get on the small crates and other times a jump would be just shy of getting on the large crates. I get that it was designed as a momentum game, so I'm guessing you are using forces, but for some reason the forces aren't being applied correctly?? Finally, the glass feature was fun, but many times the glass would not break no matter how big the crate on it was. I'm pretty sure that is just a collision box detection bug. Would love to see more objects and more levels once the bugs are worked out of the game!

Some suggested edits:
Color code (text code for color blind) the selected objects.
Instead of physics based, use speed/position based movement and condition checks for more nuanced controls.
Instead of pushing objects, allow the player to hold small/medium crates with hold/throw button.
For the glass objects, increase the size of the collider.

I really wanted to play this game. It looks awesome, but I could barely make it out of the first room and the box button room was impossible as there seems to be no way to adjust mouse sensitivity. I tried adjusting it in windows settings, but this only affected the menu mouse speed, not the look speed in game. Maybe add buttons to adjust the look sensitivity speed up or down. Please? At current setting barely tapping my mouse causes the screen to spin in several circles. I tried to play this way by just tapping it barely and waiting for it to settle and see if it looked where I needed it to, but like I said, impossible to actually play that way.

I could tell you implemented the changes, but I ran into some major issues playing in the browser. I've noticed that for some reason without hardware acceleration Unity Web seems to barely run. I switched over to my other machine and had a better time, but for some reason the music and sound effects didn't load for some time. I was halfway through the level before they started playing. Maybe see if the assets can be preloaded maybe? Not sure. Also, occasionally the game would either overlap two rows or give me a solid row (not sure which) but it was an auto game over. Also, when the frame rates drop at the beginning of the game it is possible to fall into the void from above. That is an instant death and weird, too. Not sure how to fix that except maybe if the void is below the player, then don't drop the player down, but bring the rows up?? It was weird. Sorry. I loved the touches you added, but overall the game became less playable for me. I'd be willing to test it again later if you want to try and fix these issues? You might have to find someone with an older or lower end machine to test the low frame rate issues (if you even want to bother). I still love the game idea and changes you've added. :)

Yes. hardware acceleration in the browser. It also could have just been because I have lower end machines, too, but they seem to play a lot of games okay if only a little slow at times.

Thanks. I'll probably have a green snake when I update the graphics with actual pixel art. Also, I tried checking that and it refused to load the other resources needed, so I unchecked it, and uploaded a playable version to my server. All in the last 7 minutes of the Jam. Not sure why it screwed up yet, but I'll look into it before my next submission at the end of this week (Optical Jam 8)! Glad you had fun!