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A member registered Feb 04, 2021

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They're definitely overselling the complexity.

The story is linear, and there are only two endings. They each have an extra scene with your LI of choice, but by no stretch of the imagination can that be called "multiple endings".

Omg happy ending with Ren <3
Like I know that yandere romances aren't healthy or whatever, but it is a game and I just want to make bad choices and have a good time, so thank you for making that possible!

Disregarding the fact that you are just plain wrong, the game also makes it VERY clear that the whole "shy and cutesy" things is an act that Ren puts on specifically for MC to find him appealing.

He's a yandere nutcase stalking MC, not some innocent cinnamon bun.

Is it not possible to just keep posting them here? I seem to be a minority, but I prefer not having to switch platforms.

Honestly I'd rather have more (slutty/porn-y) outfits than any VA. Either way though, I love the demo!

I've played through the demo like three times in the last 24 hours and I just can't get enough of Ren. He is such a precious lil nutcase and I just wanna hug him and help him commit murder <3

I love how MC absolutely picks up on the weirdo vibes, and that they still do so even if you're attracted to him. I love an MC who's able to go "that guy is definitely a psycho and he is mine".

I've got a question about the endings though:

  • Multiple endings (woohoo end, good end, neutral end, bad end)

Is that in reference to the demo, or the whole game, or both?

I know it might be an odd question and probably hard to answer, but how minor are the "minor story changes"? I understand that it probably won't change the overall plotline, but is it big enough to notice on a replay if you've got a good memory of the game?

(Also, happy holidays!)

Awesome, I can't wait!

Will this game be available for preorder?

I was wondering if/how you can reset the skip feature? I assume there must be a save file somewhere I have to delete, but I can't find it. Deleting the saves in-game has no effect.

Is the old version permanently taken down, or will it become available again once the new is released? What about the DLCs?

I bought the game just a few days before it was taken down, and didn't get around to downloading/installing the DLCs before they were gone...

Like most fans I'm definitely exited for the ReVamp, but I also love the old version and will be sad to see it erased completely.