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I know it might be an odd question and probably hard to answer, but how minor are the "minor story changes"? I understand that it probably won't change the overall plotline, but is it big enough to notice on a replay if you've got a good memory of the game?

(Also, happy holidays!)


The most noticeable ones are 1. Bash's backstory has changed, and 2. the conversation with Damon in Episode 3 has been edited, with the option added to walk away from him completely and not hear him out.  Those are probably the only things you'll notice when replaying :)

I just downloaded the update and started playing from the beginning, but there seems to be something wrong during episode 3 when you're supposed to tell them who you rememebered to be, it just skips after calderon says "go on tell them" to their shocked reactions, the MC dialogue telling them your name and title not appearing. I checked with the previous update 4.0 and that dialogue appears.


We'll look into this, thanks for letting us know!