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A member registered Dec 24, 2015 · View creator page →

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I've been really lazy these past couple of days (getting Bloodborne did not help oh gosh) so I sat myself down today and did some backgrounds. Still a bit more backgrounds to paint though wheeew


the thing

inside church! it is... super repetitive, but, gothic architectures shhh

edit: also I would like to add a glowy affect to those pannels. hmm...

BRO I am in love?? the sprites, design and everything looks super neat so far. Please keep going, you guys are doing an amazing job.

thank you! ^^

no there won't be any jumpscares, although there might be sliightly scary parts? My first conception of the game was quite dark and I'm thinking 'yeah ok I need to make this more about 'wonder' rather than 'scary'' so that's what I'm doing :')

whoo let me echo everybody here and say yep, the assets I'm producing aren't as nice as I imagined in my head. Plus I had to scrap a couple of things because too complicated/will take too much time to do. I do desperately want to finish my game within the timeline, but man, so many things to do x__x

but yes! I've learnt so much already. joining this group has def motivated me to stop being so lazy and just get started.

저는 반 한국인 이에요 ㅋ

it looks really cute so far ^^

save her

Thank you v much otomeido and aprilcot! :)

nothing too exciting right now, got camera movement and scene transition worked out (I am quite proud for working out the latter :^)). The backgrounds are just placeholder images for now.

oh!! the sprites are so precious. their fashion sense is also A+. super excited for this game *w*

you're a life-saver... look at that crispyness ;w;

man I'm so happy people dig quiet fantasy. your comments are like sweet music to my ears.

ok so I putted around with the programming today

PLOP jiggle jiggle jiggle


also I spent WAY too long trying to figure out how to make it pixel perfect. Then I realised Unity isn't the best with 2D. SIGHhh

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let me share with you some concept sketches

a chimera

an old king

a graveyard

and progression; church -> graveyard -> forest -> drawbridge/cliff -> castle

BRO the title screen... the art style... it's so, good!

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Thank you all for the kind comments ;w;

Animating the first sprite would've taken a...ges.... so I experimented with a simpler approach? The hair bob still feels janky but ah well x_x

 photo walalaal.gif  photo sprite test.png

edit: also I've seen some people post gifs of their work environment and I was wondering if there was a program that lets recording that kind of stuff easy?

I know right? My respect for pixel animators (and just animators in general) went up big time!

oh my, it's looking beautiful *w*

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Trying to do a walk cycle and realising I've never actually done one before. So I did a sketch to visualise it better.

 photo walkawlakdf.gif

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ohhkay time to commit. wish me luck ;w;

The title is not %100 concrete yet

Outline: it's a story driven side-scroller - the ending of the story will be influenced by the player's choices (or at least that's what I'm thinking right now)! The setting will be very much inspired by the novel Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake. The quality I love about it is the portrayal of, quiet fantasy? A lot of surreal, strange things happen but it feels so natural and calming. So, with that in thought, I want the player to come across fantastically weird scenes and just be able to explore it (and convey a sense of wonder, if possible). Kind of like Sworcery with its poetic, beautiful scenes. (And storytelling through images rather than words? I love that).

I'll add more details as I go :')

Programming: I've been playing around with Unity and I quite like it. I'll see how that goes. I took a class in java so uh, I'm sure it'll be fine /sweats

here are some rough concepts of the protag

 photo tumblr_nzscf4cTRa1v2cxkzo1_500.png</a> photo tumblr_nzscf4cTRa1v2cxkzo2_12280.png

 photo tumblr_inline_nzsc81seYE1stra2h_540.png

I'm not 100% content with the design above so I'll prolly play around with it a bit