The game looked polished but was wayyyyyyyyyy to hard even on easy mode. also the tutorial is a liar I was dying when it said it was going easy on me XD. I want to know if any of you were able to complete this game.
Jeffrey W
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This game has a lot of potential. But some major bugs were still left in the release. One such bug was upgrading gold costing wood and stone but not checking if you had any so on the first night I got to level 190 gold and the game was a cakewalk from there. The game also seems to break on night 25 not spawning any enemies. If this game were to have a tutorial and fix some of the major bugs I would love to try this game again.
Overall I loved the game! it felt very well polished. It kinda sucked that bombs didn't carry over to the next level. But I would play this game again if there were more levels added. Also, side note was I supposed to be able to blow up dirt walls infinitely? or was the dynamite supposed to limit that.
Your game is good! I talked to everyone and then quit because I didn't want to backtrack to collect the items from each room which could have been better told in gameplay rather than the document. If you ask me I think Sophia did it. But the better mystery is why is eveyones room a maze except yours? Overall felt like a very finished game.
This game needs some work. It's still in development with obvious issues retaining to gameplay the doge ability allows you to go through walls. By the time I got to the boss fight, I had -55 health and once I started the fight the game broke and threw an error code once the dog was killed. But the largest problem I found was there was no information about any of the controls I had to open the door object to find out the interact button was E.
It has good potential But is missing key features you would expect such as an ammo count or a fire delay. The weapons have no cost of using each one so the shotgun is the only weapon I used because it was just so much stronger than the other weapons. If your development continued I would love to try this game again in the future.
It has potential but is confusing to get into the game (why f to start instead of enter) it doesn't inform the player about what the raccoons are doing when they hop on your head or how to get them off. Having to relaunch the game is a bit annoying to restart. But I loved the art and animations in the game along with the music. I would love to try this game again later if it was given more polish for new players.