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A member registered May 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi there! I'm afraid I'm not super experienced in GameMaker, but all the tilesets should be 16x16 pixels. If you're using the first version of GameMaker I believe tilesets are imported as Backgrounds, and there's a tick box on the left above Texture Settings called 'Use as tile set' that should cut it up into tiles.

Apologises if this doesn't fix it or isn't the issue, let me know if it's a specific tileset doing this and I can try and fix it! In terms of GameMaker I might not be much help...

Hey there, apologises for a late reply! Machines have a little button next to them to use them, but if that isn't working then I'm not sure what's gone wrong! Will look into it. Thanks for playing though!

Thankyou! <3

Thanks very much! C:

Thankyou! <3

:o Good to know! Thanks for enjoying, it's been a little passion project for a while now. <3 My hopes for it are to have a little story alongside, but that might take a while. ^_^"

Hey there, sorry it's not completely clear, but I think if you click the tab at the top, where there's a little potion icon, it should change? Also thanks for playing. <3

Thanks for so much feedback!! And yes, all 2d assets were made for the game jam. We are aware of the volume slider not working and the R issue, and we'll look into the paused one. Not sure why the first screenshot hack doesn't work but we'll look into it, and the second screenshot hack unlocks the door directly north of where it is :D. But thanks for taking your time to do so much feedback.

Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed it! :D

Thanks for the feedback! We will be adding a short explanation of controls in the updated build, and mainly focusing on bugs. But we will definitely keep this in mind when checking over everything, and see what we can do.

Thanks for the feedback! And yup, once you run out of battery power, it restarts the game. We are also aware of those two bugs, I believe the two box one is fixed currently, and will be in the next updated build. Power doesn't drain when reading to give you time to read, but there is a textbox thats triggered by a StrongBot that doesn't stop him from moving, and it should. But thanks again! :D

Thanks for the feedback! :D I'm not sure if you noticed but the music builds up more when you complete puzzles, I think that really adds to the atmosphere as well. The batteries do run out a little too fast though, but having them be unlocked by puzzles was the overall idea. 

Thanks very much! It's not written anywhere that 'R' is a way to get out of the wire puzzle and reset it... but hopefully we can get this fixed in the updated version.