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A member registered Jun 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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Here, have a video.

I would recommend making a pause menu. So when a game breaking glitch happens, the player would be able to fix it themselves by restarting the game without having the need to forcefully close it.

Overall, I see great potential in this. Reading your development logs, It is quite refreshing seeing a horror game developer apologize for doing something wrong shortly after fixing things.

You're doing a good job. Keep up the good work.

P.S. The reason why there's a date in the thumbnail is because I am led to believe this game is actively being developed. I don't know when the full game will come out.

Here, have a video.

Here, have a video:

Here, have a video:

Are you still working on this or is this canceled?

ATLYSS community · Created a new topic Here, have a video.
(2 edits)

Video included:

I find it quite funny that I managed to miss the update while I was making this video. I have updated the review in the description since I saw the update notes. I have yet to play the new version, but I will after writing this.

If you don't feel like watching the whole video (fair enough), I have copied the review here.

"It was okay. My first impressions were good, great even. But then it got hard. I really liked the ‘retro 3-D’ art style. It reminded me of the days when you got THE WHOLE GAME when you paid for it. Any ‘DLC’ were separate physical copies. 

Going back on topic, the game-play was fine. The ‘grind’ got more and more tedious as I progressed but that was my personal experience. It got to a point where I suspected that the game was made specifically for multiplayer since the enemies took forever to take down. Thank goodness I had a bell with an exploit that tooooootally won’t be patched in the next update. 

It felt like an MMORPG even though I don't have any memories of playing one. I have played other games with regular RPG like elements and this one was no different. I haven’t tried the Mystic class nor the Bandit class yet though, I will try them later. Let me know in the comments below if you want me to make separate videos about them. As I was writing this, I realized there was no ranged class. Sure you could count Mystic as being the ranged class but when I think range I think archers with bows and arrows, not wizards with ornate sticks.

 Now a small criticism about the character creation process. I tried selecting ‘male’ but it just removed the breasts from the chest. The general overall build is suspiciously female. Don’t get me wrong, girl power is powerful but I prefer some diversity. If diversity isn’t an option, I would then suggest having the sliders go beyond the intended limits. It would be very amusing playing as a tiny bird dwarf with a head bigger than a car. Or an absurdly long rabbit that will clip through the buildings when the player walks into them. Have the 'Limit Character Proportions' be defaulted to 'on'. When turning it off, let there be no limits period. 

Overall, it was good. I eagerly await the full release on Steam."

TLDR: I liked it, but then it got hard.

EDIT: I took a closer look and the update notes said 'releasing' not 'released'. oops.

EDIT AGAIN: My goodness I am impatient lol. I made this topic right before you released the update. Gonna play the update now.

Let me see if I got this story right...


During the Festival, two cats got roasted, the orange cat ate a pumpkin-rock pie before going for a swim, the green cat is high on mushrooms, and the light-grey cat (the playable character) got so tired of the shenanigans, they quit the game.

Nice job in completing this in ~72 hours, but I feel like this needs just a little bit more time in the oven if you understand the metaphor.

Great horror game. The head movement might be a little much though. But other than that I kept me on edge. (In a good way.)