When I save a model, enter the file name and hit save, it saves and the save window disappears. That is the desired functionality I'd like to see when exporting 2d and 3d models. Once I hit save, save it and disappear so I can get back to work ;)
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When I make 10 turrets in Asset Forge then import them all into Unity, I noticed the custommaterials are all linked and so, they all change when I change one. If they all had unique names (say, based on the name of the file I saved) then I think it would solve that issue. Same with the cylinders, tubes, donuts, etc.,
I can't update this because I have too many objects for the GM2 trial and I'm not going to spend money on a platform until I'm sure I like it. Right now I'm going through some Unity tutorials and seeing how that works out. So far, it's a lot more impressive than GM2 in terms of power and options but also has a lot steeper learning curve. Thankfully I am (fairly new) c# programmer.
Hey guys, so I used two paths and in the creation event for the enemy, I choose one at random. I also added an alarm that adjusts the boats angle and speed randomly as they float down the path.
I wanted to add more towers, upgrades, selling, different enemies, etc., but weather here didn't cooperate. It was sunny and perfect out for some sailing of my own so I wasted (?lol) a lot of time Saturday on the ocean in my own sailboat.