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Crunchy PiratesView game page

Tower Defense - for Shenanijam 2017
Submitted by jerrak — 1 hour, 19 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Music & Sound#672.7692.769

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Crunchy Pirates

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Holy crap you guys were brutal on the ratings for a 48 hour jam for a first timer :(


Nice work considering this is your first game (ever??!!) Tasty little tower defense with great sound effects (really emphasizes the "crunchiness" of the pirates) Overall plays well and impressive job for a 2-day game jam! Also, Mitron was right! I watched some of your sailing videos on youtube and they are AwEsOmE! Talk about really researching your topic ;) GREAT JOB!


I can't update this because I have too many objects for the GM2 trial and I'm not going to spend money on a platform until I'm sure I like it.  Right now I'm going through some Unity tutorials and seeing how that works out. So far, it's a lot more impressive than GM2 in terms of power and options but also has a lot steeper learning curve.  Thankfully I am (fairly new) c# programmer.


Simple but efficient!  Love that you went sailing in the middle of the jam, was it for inspiration?  Are you a pirate too? ;)  

Probably needs a bit more polish - the game is certainly fun but overall I feel the game doesn't quite feel challenging enough.  More pirates / more points to progress through the levels quicker might do the trick!


Not bad for a first game!  Simple and solid.

Once I filled in all the spots with towers, all I could do was sit back and watch.  It was at level 23 that I first took damage, and level 26 that I finally fell.

Anyhow, I enjoyed it.


Hey guys, so I used two paths and in the creation event for the enemy, I choose one at random. I also added an alarm that adjusts the boats angle and speed randomly as they float down the path.

I wanted to add more towers, upgrades, selling, different enemies, etc., but weather here didn't cooperate. It was sunny and perfect out for some sailing of my own so I wasted (?lol) a lot of time Saturday on the ocean in my own sailboat.


That was a lot of fun really! :D
You eventually reach a point in the game where there is no meaning of your existence lol.


I was not sure what to do at first but once I started placing the towers I started making more currency and eventually I ran out of room. I wasn't sure if there was an end or if you just had to keep going until your castle lost all its HP. I had to stop playing once I was over 2k credits. Nice job.


Really fun game!
Would really love to know how you did the pathfinding for the boats? Are there water tiles, and they move from one to the next, or is it more complex?
The ability to sell turrets, and perhaps time speed controls too, would make this really great!


I just learned that Unit is c# based and I'm a c# programmer! So... most likely, bye bye Game Maker 2.


Yeah, wanted more turrets and thankfully, I'm a programmer in real life so I created reuseable code and used a lot of variables so creating new towers is fairly easy.


Needs more variety in the towers, the flame turret would be a lot more useful if it aimed at the last enemy rather than the first.


Sound effects are fun, but it's endless and you'll eventually be overwhelmed around wave 25-30


Didn't expect it to be as fun as it is! Works surprisingly well for the time given, but also works as a step for a more complete game in the future. Keep it up!


Thanks guys, and yeah, this was a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be after having finished an entire three-quarters of a first game tutorial from Yoyo games. lol That's right, a whole 3/4'th of it.


Nice job on this! Good bones for a bigger project - great job for your first attempt - particularly under the time constraints. Love your sfx, oreos sounded great!


Loved the sound effects! Great job for the first game you ever made! :D Congrats!


Fixed the flame towers.


This is the first game I've ever created. I used a few of the graphics from the Yoyo games demonstration projects and made the rest. - The sounds are all me making goofy sounds or eating Oreos.