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A member registered Nov 23, 2023

Recent community posts

i can't find anything... there has to be a tutorial coz i have no idea what does what

win defender says don't open :|

oh... i keep getting the same hints over and over again for some reason (browser version).
also where is the "full version"? i'm either dumb or blind because i can't find it

don't worry m8, there is no artist for those, it's all generated so you are not stealing anyone's work.

are there any lore messages she could say that would give us a hint about what we can get?

love it, hope it gets updates

you misspelled genshit, also that's ai gen... idk what else you'd have to mess up to make it any worse

will u ever move from ai generated stuff to commissioned arts?

i love puzzle games, they're so rewarding! imma await updates :)

so... it's ademo, which means there is a full version that requires a paiment... and all you di was put some ai generated parodies into a pre-written code for jigsaw puzzles and called it a day?? i sense a scam

i really rather play this game than your main game, mainly because this one isn't filled with ai monsters

sadly whenever i go for 10 roll, game closes after 3rd one and i lose remaining rolls... i spent alot of time grinding points and i gave you 3 chances, it did it 3 times, i'm done.

in introduction, prof says "sing" instead of "sign"

i like this game, it's small and needs some polish before moving forward BUT it's promising. i still love to sit around with my fav :)

thank you

umm... entered a portal and game ended... is it supposed to be that short?

she forgets the name after a while :/

the thing here is: VNs are for lonely people and are almost completly harmless while NTR as a concept is not ok to begin with. You for sure know the concept "don't do to others what you wouldn't want to be done to you." so you should understand where i come from.

i'm super happy so many games don't add ntr bullshit! it's not normal and shouldn't be encouraged in any media.

mental support Malware is all i need in my life, come and drain my battery, i feel lonely (._.

can i somehow just... ditch Lily? not into her, would rather talk with Lenya

which is why i don't watch "normal porn"

how much of the game is made with AI?

why are people into NTR... disgusting idea... hope you make it avoidable...


i see many "big" used in the description... will there be some small or average tho? also yes, please do petting as fast as possible, headpats are the best!

game keeps closing and reopening on it's own

literally most iseais nowadays, tho the game is much more interesting than all those isekais xd

also i'd like to report that if you don't "stargaze" you will see the same event twice in a row

i blame the game for creating such community

i was a part of that community for few months after launch but they took the more disgusting route and i quitted.

bless you for that :3

any plans on alternate routes? i kept repeating Aya's 1st encounter for a few days like an instane person coz i wanted to actually befriend her, not peek under her skirt :/

and you read the last 5 words xd

comparing overcomplicated outfits on the limited amount of base bodies to something actually good like... uma musume or arknights, genshit characters are 1. too complex, trying to look good by plastering random garbage on thieir outfits, 2. literally made to be sexualized to hell, 3. not original at all, they all look like just reheated potatoes and 4. fanbase of genshit makes mihoyo continue to make low quality trash coz they buy it.

put your talent into games original characters, no need to use genshit just to farm clicks... you are better than this

i mean... i got all max and it seems like there are only 2 lvl ups. only pamela and sasha have alt art and only one each so... hope to see more because it is fun but again, without perma wipes please :D

ok, i got all cards, also got both specials in basic packs *wink wink*
just wish you didin't make me see one fgo and one genshit cow but what can i say, nothing's perfect.