Please take time to take care of yourself! I am grateful for the opportunity to play the game you've already given us. While I'm excited for future releases, it is your game to do with however you please. We can wait 馃榿
Recent community posts
In so sorry this happened to you!!! Please make sure to take all the time you need before making a decision. I've had my computer crash and loose all my progress on games I'm playing, and for some that I loved dearly and was nearly done with, I haven't been able to go back. That's just me playing games, I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to lose all the work you've done to create a game. Whatever you decide just know that there are people who have loved the games you've given us and will be cheering for your happiness no matter what choice you make.
Wow time really flew by while playing this demo, I enjoyed it so much!!! I'm always excited to see an office romance and this one certainly delivered. While my competitive nature may have made me, initially, cautious of Dom, all the LIs shared very sweet moments with the MC and I genuinely cannot wait to see more of them. Plus, you absolutely nailed it with the VA choices, they did an INCREDIBLE job with the dialogue. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for more updates ^^
Thank you for a wonderful demo <3
This game was AMAZING. It was so beautifully written and painfully tragic. I cried several times playing this. Also the second part of the game was totally unexpected, but I absolutely loved learning more about the story.
Will there be a DLC? Because I loved Vu Huyen, but Thanh Tung really had me swerving lanes lol. Also him in Part 2, I WILL PAY YOU EVERYTHING FOR MORE OF THAT. And maybe some priest content, if you're feeling generous lol. But even if there is no additional content, thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful game, I enjoyed it so much!
OMG THE ANGST!!! Although we only got a taste of the backstories of the characters, this demo was so beautifully written that I was invested in all the characters. The writing, the art, the MUSIC, all worked together perfectly to PULL on my heartstrings. I love all the LIs, but Jules, my god that backstory was just so beautifully tragic.
I AM INVESTED and I cannot wait to see more of this story. Thank you for giving us such a wonderful demo!
Hi! Sorry this might be a dumb question but I was just unsure about what purchasing this game now would cover. I'm guessing this will cover the upcoming chapters as well? I saw where you said there will be a full release later in the year with voice acting as well, will the final version be a separate purchase? Again, I'm really sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm just really interested in this game and I'm trying to see how best to get it on a tight budget 馃槄.
Thank your for your help!!
Goodness that was a lot. I went in prepared for it to get dark and you all certainly did not hold back. For anyone curious READ THE WARNINGS, they are there for a reason. And there are tons of warnings EVERYWHERE, so don't ignore them.
Probably the darkest game I've played, but I was hooked and I must applaud how much "story" went into this game. A lot of VNs will have a pretty set path so even when you pick different answers you don't really stray from a story line too much. This one, each ending is wildly different. You guys really put so much work into this!
My only hope: please for the love of goodness give Quinn at least one happy ending at some point. I will pay anything you ask, I love him with my entire soul. His route actually took me the longest to get through because I was just so sad playing it. This poor boy has been through so much and I just need him to be happy. I AM INVESTED. But seriously, you have really made such a roller coaster of a game 馃憤
I just finished this game and OMG it's sooooo sweet 馃ス. The banter is fun and flows naturally, the voice acting is absolutely perfect, the music fits wonderfully, and the art is lovely. What more can we ask for? You've all done such a marvelous job on this game, I really can't say enough good things about it. 馃憦馃憦馃憦馃憦
OMG you guys were not kidding around with these choices, just starting off at 1000. I am speechless! You all did a fantastic job with this game with the incredible VA, the lovely art, intriguing story, and AMAZING opening theme song. I'll definitely be on the look out for a full game, yall have me hooked ^^