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A member registered Feb 20, 2023

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Thanks. Reaching the end of the demo, though I fancy taking the slave/master route, it seemed to involve a rather sudden change in our protagonist's attitude from having been all compassionate and caring up to that point. There perhaps should be some foreshadowing that he might go that way. Of course, maybe there is in the new build.

Will it ultimately be made available for all your paying Patreons rather than just the upper tier, and if so when? The demo is very promising but I baulked at the monthly cost of the upper tier and joined the lower tier.

I'm playing on fairly powerful Android 13 tablet. First I tried the native Android version. It was fine except that motion was rather jerky, making it almost impossible in a battle to get the pointer to stop in the green region. So then I tried the Windows version using Joiplay. I no longer had this problem, so the game was playable. However when the area one was looking at panned to left or right it produced very thin black vertical lines across the picture, which was rather unsightly but didn't prevent me from playing the game.

I've found that the solution is to switch off animation in the options menu.

I've found that on my Android 12 tablet the game crashes on day 2 when the sex scene in the locker room is about to start. There's no Ren'Py error message; I'm just dumped back to the tablet's home screen.

You need to try to keep going south and west. But eventually you'll reach a screen where you can see a cave within the cave over to the left but you can't get to it. Go back one screen and you'll find a second exit on the southern side over to the right of the one originally. Use that exit and you'll eventually be able to work your way to the left and that cave within the cave, which is where the boss is.

It's really tricky, isn't it? I eventually managed to thread my way through to where the boss lurks, but it took me ages.