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A member registered 53 days ago

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There's no issues with the mod if you installed it and its dependencies properly before starting a new game.

If you started it AFTER a new game, with already generated characters, you need to perform fixes in my post (before yours).

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Easier to copy/paste into explorer or run prompt:

%AppData%\Strive for Power 2\mods
(2 edits)

By brothel do you mean 'service'?  You just have to uncheck the 'rest' box, then they will work in service if not set to another job.

For farm, the UI could be better.  You have to click the open slot, click a character, select the resource, then click the slot again.  I don't know why it doesn't update without that second click.  You can also farm multiple resources at the same time from high growth characters, also not very obvious.

As for the "eft" (you mean Elf?) and "beast" thing, I don't know what you mean.  Either I'm not that far in the game or you may be talking about Strive 1?  Or by 'recall' you mean that one click button?  The cities you need to manually travel to and from, same way as your mansion.

(4 edits)

Most of the mod packs are outdated, there's generally only a few of the mods still working with 0 issues. I've been playing a vanilla-ish run because of it. Personally I'd stick to some Conquest Tweaks and SFCRevamp mods and avoid SfCArics.  Though, Chris68 has been trying to fix them up, updated files are on the Discord.  Be warned you may run into game breaking bugs if using all the mods in the packs.

As for portraits/bodies, there is only one choice (IMO):

Strive 2 actually has character art for everyone this time, and it updates on equipped gear, so you do miss out if you use portrait packs, but the quality of this specific pack is just really good and probably worth giving up the base models.  Though, start a new game with it installed first, or you will have to do save editing to fix older characters (not difficult, just annoying, and I wrote how to do it in the thread on last page).

Still working good here on v.90 save (v.91b client), including with some mods.

I found a fix for this if you didn't get a notification that the thread was responded to.  Check latest post.

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I made 2 posts but they're not approved yet. Since then I discovered a fix for anyone who generated characters prior to the mod's install, specifically those using the custom bodies who won't toggle from the default clothed state.

This will involve save file editing.  I recommend using Notepad++ with the "JSON Viewer" plugin, otherwise it is extremely hard to read the file.

The solution is simple.  The 'broken' characters are using the base game character file, the non-broken ones are using the modded file.

First find the character you need to fix.  You can simply search their name then scroll up until you find something like "hid3394222865": {  This will be the start of their character data.

The fix is right under that line.


"@path": "res://src/character/",


"@path": "res://tmp/",

Save the file... fixed!

Alternatively you can do a 'replace all' if you have a lot. It doesn't seem to be used for anything else?

As for default vanilla body characters, I don't think it's possible to 'fix' those.  You can 'fix' them the same way, but it will use the mod resource to try and display their image, which won't exist, so it will show a generic silhouette.  I've tried to mess around with the mod code but I don't understand anything about coding actually, so someone else will have to work on it.  If I were to guess, a separate routine has to be run to check if a character is using a generated image (dynamic_portrait=true) which is checked before the mod's routine.

EDIT: This also fixed the battle formation issue! (can't move chars)

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Are you using mods?  This started happening to me too after using certain mods (conquest tweaks loli enabler).  Have not found a way to fix it.  Removing mod makes it work but breaks save file.  No errors in log otherwise.

In discord there is a bug report of daisy not being able to be moved after progressing her quest, but the user did not state if they were using mods yet.

EDIT: I fixed my issue. It was due to this issue: