Me mondo. Los mensajes de la gente son xD.
(No encontŕe mi room después de crearla.)
JJ Montes
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hello! Thank you very much for your review!
The button sequence is admitedly the hardest point (you are very close to the end) for which no clues are given beforehand. If you however keep going up to the office level, you might find the sequence posted somewhere (hint, hint... ;-)).
On the other hand, did you try the Trials mode? I'm afraid many players don't see it or decide to try it. Give it a try in case you haven't O;-).
Regarding the ninja rope, it's indeed very inspired by it, in fact this game was born with the purpose of using it as a main method of movement. But Rope Cow levels are larger, and it allows to select the shoot direction, and to shoot upwards which allows for very rapid movement sideways. Also importantly, Rope Cow features moving platforms and objects that interact with the rope (you can see those in the Trial stages).
Currently, I have been workind hard on an audio bug that impacts some users, but I'll soon be doing some more bugfixes and uploading at least a new Trial level.
Thank you and best regards!
Rope Cow has been released!
I'm very proud to release the game I wanted to create, bringing rope swinging challenges to a new level. However, as much as I wanted to have a perfect version 1.0, I'd still like to improve some minor aspects and most importantly, add (at least) one more Trial Stage I'm working on, so you can expect more updates soon.
Please use these forums (or the Steam Community Forums) to discuss any thought or issue you have with the game. I'd love to read your feedback!
Best regards,
JJ Montes
Trying to spread the news about my rope-swinging game...
I'm raffling 2 Rope Cow CASES and FREE KEYS!!
You can participate through one of:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
(or purchase NOW at: ;-) )
Thanks a lot! Stay safe. Be a happy cow.
I've doing some experiments with multiplayer and I think it might be worth the effort.
The freestyle stages allow for several multiplayer modes: highest score, king of the hill, rope racing, goals or even team modes like capture the flag!
I'll be doing some more tests after the official 1.0 release on February. As always, players will timely receive all updates! A little secret: this experimental feature is already included in the baseline and can be enabled from the command line. More about this coming up soon!
Do you have suggestions for Rope Cow multiplayer modes? Comment below!
Hello all!
I'm happy to announce I have just published Rope Cow on !

- Unique custom made rope physics
- Single player story mode
- A goals stage game mode (more stages coming up!)
- Handcrafted home-made original hand drawn art and soundtrack
- Glory and frustration learning to use the d#*@ rope
- Tons of humour and cows!
Note that the game is in "early access" mode as I will keep adding some content and ironing out bugs during a few weeks (you know... indie dev lifecycle). Comments are welcome in the Rope Cow Community Forum!
If you would like to support this project, you can purchase the game, add it to one of your collections on Itch, wishlist on Steam or follow RopeCow on Twitter. Thank you very much!
I sincerely hope you like it!
Hello! I'd like to explain what Early Access means for Rope Cow and its players.
As a solo developer it's often difficult to find an amount of testers and hardware base to test Rope Cow. In addition, it's not easy to develop a fully-fledged campaign, which may be overkill for smaller indie games. However, Rope Cow main story mode and gameplay is ready and I must push it to the larger community.
Besides ironing out bugs, I'll add at least two more Trial Stages to the game during the upcoming month. And I'd very much like to offer all players the chance of contributing their ideas and suggestions for the game before it's finally settled.
Everyone purchasing the game now will be among the first to receive all updates as soon as they are available. In order to foster this, I'll be adding some user-requested options to the Trial Scenes game mode, if you are into this sort of thing ;-).
Thank you very much for playing Rope Cow. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Drop your comments below ;).
I'm very happy to announce the release of Rope it to the Cow.
While the game remains in "Early Access" for about one month, it is available at a discounted price.
Please see the post about Rope Cow Early Access Phase for more information.
Best regards!
JJ Montes
Se me quedó en el tintero la mecánica de "perder", que te obligaría a ir un poco fino :D. Vuestro juego también tiene super buena pinta y me encanta la idea, pero sólo lo he visto en stream y aún no lo he podido probar (más builds Linux por favor!). Este finde me pongo con ello porque le tengo ganas la verdad. ¡Muchas gracias por el comentario!
¡Muchas gracias! Sí, como comentaba abajo, pudiendo "perder" te forzaría a pasar un par de veces por la historia (pero no llegué a tiempo de implementar lo de perder). La otra opción que me hubiera gustado poner es la de tocar libremente y elegir entre dos ó tres disposiciones de teclado (ej Logic / ProTracker...)... o directamente aceptar entrada Midi que era la idea original. La partitura sí viene de un .mid. Con eso empezaríamos a tener la semilla de un verdadero jueguecillo para teclistas y para aprender piano, creo yo.
Sí, lo del texto es difícil de compaginar, incluso pensé en quitarlos. Es una mini-historia visual/musical así que tampoco tiene más importancia. La idea era que si fallas mucho pierdes, y en dos o tres pasadas (~6 minutos) ya habrías podido verlo más o menos, pero no llegué a tiempo de hacer que puedas perder :D. ¡Muchas gracias!.
Por cierto, la música completa la he subido por si alguien quiere descargarla: .
Muy buenas ideas ahí, las zonas flotantes y la gestión del planeo muy divertida de gestionar. Muy buena ambientación sonora y música, el tileset es bonito, buen acabado, ritmo de juego y checkpoints rápidos, y con un pequeño premio al final! no se puede pedir más en un jam. Felicidades. (17 muertes tuve).