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A member registered Feb 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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I envy the work you guys have put into team coordination, I imagine it'll be a huge help. Your file and link organization systems also seem super useful, and I'd like to better implement that into my own team. It seems like you guys have set yourself up well for the workload of next semester.

It's really impressive how much you have functioning already. Having the base functionality done early can hopefully let you get as many of the ideas and mechanics in as possible.

I think that's a really cool twist on a standard visual novel. Having the glitch effect over text could add some interesting replay-ability if you gain context to what the glitch text says on repeat play-throughs. Focusing on a more gameplay focused pitch makes sense, but if it ends up being a narrative heavy game this mechanic could still be interesting.

The dice mechanic could be interesting in the right context, it adds an element of danger to what could otherwise be a pretty binary choice. Bad luck could be frustrating, but having a way to minimize your risk at some cost could negate that. I'm not familiar with the game you're basing it on, so perhaps there is something like this, but regardless I'd be interested to see it pop in your group's final game.

I like the approach your taking with AI, it's a bit different from what I ended up doing. I looked more at the AI itself, but I like that you're looking more at the effect AI has on humans. Job security in relation to AI is very relevant and I feel like that would resonate with a lot of people. One thing I'd want to see in an RPG is something to differentiate those with AI from those without. Maybe giving enemies with AI access to skills the player doesn't have or something along with those lines.

I feel like there's a lot of ways you could take a game with this topic. Playing with the perspective of an exploited employee could be interesting, especially game-play wise. Making the game hard if not impossible to win could be a fun way to get your message across. I also agree with the sentiment that the game should be more light-hearted. It could be hard for the player to enjoy the game-play if the narrative is stressing them out.