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A member registered Jan 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Bom jogo espero mais dessa fairy no futuro !

New Update off Shadow Please!

Please Translut in PT-BR!

Translation PT-BR Please!?


I hope that in this fan game Ryu has a lot of useful skills, because just healing or transforming into a dragon doesn't make up for the progression of the protagonist's skills and his growth in battles!

Third Strand of Abomination, will this be Deepone Abomination?

There would be the possibility of a creature appearing in the future that inherits the characteristics and abilities of both species, as we only have the appearance of a Human and Moot humanoid abomination, but the Moot have an ability with a fluffy tail because an abomination cannot inherit the abilities of its predecessors. of another species, it would be good for this to happen randomly, and it would be interesting to be bestowed with the power of two “Mothers”, the Fortune Teller and the Sea Witch, seeing that they did something dangerous, giving more power to a mortal who otherwise considers her a threat and would increase the tension between the two and may even create new events in future plots.


Tolkien says that dwarven women have beards, but this has not been confirmed, the different types of dwarves have their own sexual dimorphisms, so it would probably be a forest dwarf, a type of gnome, different from mountain dwarves who probably have a beard.

(¬‿¬)Yes ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧No ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ?!

I am in favor of the existence of Beastman, Bestfolk grouping all humanoid beings with animal traits and furries, we could start with Centaurs, Lizardmen and for more specifics we could use the monster girl quest encyclopedia manual as inspiration.

A race of humanoid rabbit men would be an interesting event in the game if a ship crashes to the east of the map starting a series of events allowing a new species on the map with energy weapons and a space gear and new sexual events and the possibility of being reborn as a Moon Rabbit Girl!

Rabbit Girl!

Fluid contamination like the Taimanin and note that there are references to these ninjas in the game!

True, but you know, a True Abomination would be much better, a Lona with the skills of other races would be very epic.

At least some new variations within the context of the story I know that there will be new variations of races for lona, as lona gets pregnant and has daughters of other species so that lona would have a goblin baby are there not a rebirth for this race in the future, but my current focus and in variants we have two rebirth variants for abomination I imagine there will be others since the sea people and goblins follow the same path, but I would like to know if the deepone females go about some type of mutation or evolution, as I consider Lona Deepone the most dangerous of her reincarnations, as it is not possible to know her real potential, fully unleashed with the power of the Sea Witch complete, she could have her legs fully developed allowing her to swim to islands on the world map and explore new marine resources and ship wrecks. over enemies or use a powerful kick ability.

Rune tattoos would provide combat statistics and even some magic, I would like to have one that would warn me or attract something supernatural, something comes close to the mark of sacrifice in Guts from Berserk, because of getting the false god slayer!

The Saint is not a trustworthy divine being and not all humans follow him faithfully. Justice is probably the possessor of the Authorities over Humans and the Undead, as death comes to everyone, especially humans, and he is probably death disguised as Justice for all the corruptors of this cursed land, law to the incredible adventure review text with the fortune-teller and very bad , but very interpretative.


From what I understand, there are 3 original gods that govern this world of Lona, but a 4 appeared that usurped the authority of the others and weakened them, generating chaos. The undead and humans are under the authority of Justice, who is probably the necromancer god, but His authority cannot affect areas where they are under the authority of a stronger god.

It's true, but I feel like he's not happy with Lona's presence at all and there should be more interactions between this guy and his adopted daughter because Big Mama is a user of this parasitic armor, I imagine she's not very fertile, almost sterile due to the use of the armor of this powerful and dangerous resource, I would like to see this guy spoiling the cocona or at least scolding her for making a mess. There should be sentences and lines for him, since he is married to an important character and is the adoptive father of another!

As a Story of Seasons game would be wonderful, it would be nice to have an alternative place where we could create a deeper relationship with some characters and raise the children fruits of that relationship away from the Church or the lechers. I would be able to take areas that were quest locations like the of that family, the Woodson, and claim it as their own. A great alternative ending would be to stay in the cursed lands, establish a clan, hunt and kill monsters and criminals, note that they introduced new creatures, it would be appropriate for the game to have a bestiary similar to that of FFXII.


(1 edit)

Arts @Akapp; Victory & Defeat

Being reborn as a deepone is much more advantageous to be able to take off the prostitute's costume and free yourself from handcuffs, it is equipped with the basics of power and water magic to kill targets without problems while then abusing enemies with the summoned mermaids I only see advantages in this race.

It would be nice to be able to place certain tattoos in the form of runes or sigils that provide attributes.

This would be good, an effect of mental damage and syndromes, it would be good to hear a physical reflection of this, like Black Wolf in Guts from the anime Berserk, I imagine Lona being visited by an entity manifested in her subconscious, a white cat with its mouth and paws covered in blood!

Unique and special clothes must be obtained in the quest, this possible nun's clothing is a very interesting point and it would be good if it were included in the plot since in medieval periods, reports and stories of wanton nuns who broke their vows and got involved with nobles of high-ranking officials even committed lesbian sexual acts!

It should be more targeted at the Column as it becomes more brutal with enemies making their undead harass them to death!

There should be consequences if she is allowed to be abused!

A good departure from conventional quests and, at the same time, a subversion to the common plot, interesting, I like your way of thinking, but the quests in question must have a good catalyst that initiates this deviation of conduct towards an alternative ending to this quest. It would be good if was affected by survival points, opening up the opportunity to earn more and think for yourself instead of following guild rules.

I liked these images, they are very beautiful, but in the image, Ciri is replaced by Rider Lona and we would have something great for a hunting quest!

What I think with sexual combat, being able to take a bite in the act would be a beautiful critical damage, basically deadly, with the right to hemorrhaging enemies or skinning enemies' limbs with many internal movements until they start to be torn apart, causing burns!

his is the point that does not guarantee that to obtain a magical creature, a summonable beast, a sacrifice is not necessary and I have a problem accepting other than real healing abilities, a combat and magic build only on the succubus side or being reborn as a abomination the self-healing ability involving amulets and desecration and to correct this I thought of a summonable familiar that would act to correct imbalance in combat, but I consider it very unfair that Lona does not have her own mount or an invocation as a mage, her perfect "Control of and Knowledge in Mana" this would prove to Big Mama her talent for magic.

Note: Unicorn would be your standard and familiar invocation as a mount and assistant in matters involving healing, protection and transportation, but as I know that Lona will not, will not maintain her physical and mental purity, could be corrupted by various activities of lust, it is likely that her invocation and mount were corrupted by all this and became a Bicorn and demanded carnal favors from Lona in exchange for support and help, that would make a great quest.

I prefer Unicorn and it is more useful in combat and let's be honest there is no magic in this Lona plot I expected more magical creatures and I still hope we have some references to famous works that I expect Berserk (Fairies), Bloodborn (The Great Old Ones), Elder Scroll (Dragons) , Nioh (Yokais), Dark Soul (Armor), Demon's Souls (Weapons), Elder Ring (Gods), D&D (Unicorn) and Castlevania (Vampires) make specific references in specific locations.

I would like to see Lona riding a summoned Familiar, goblins have mounts, one day a personal pet would be good if there could be a market for beasts and magical creatures to sign contracts or space events in different regions, I don't see much use in cats or dog, even though they are very fast in attack, they lack defense and resistance, it would be really cool if there was a quest to capture magical creatures and tame them.

If I could give Lona a familiar animal, I would give her the most useful of all, a Unicorn and it could provide some advantages such as carrying her items, increasing her space and weight, decreasing her stamina consumption when walking, finding food like fruit or producing milk abilities (Magical Healing Shield, Magical Teleport, Magical Explosive Ball, Revive Lona and Allies 1 time per week) combine easily with the builds, and would be a great reference to Ihuarraquax from The Witcher franchise or Lurue, the unicorn goddess from the D&D game.

And if it were a less powerful version of this armor, a cub, I imagine this parasitic armor as its own species made from abomination (child), magic (Book Necromancy) and steel (Mithril) and could be forged and of course it wouldn't be as strong and powerful as for Big Mama's, but I imagine that Big Mama's armor is made of better materials like the type of steel (Adamante) but it would be a great reference since the character looks a lot like a Witchblade user's main war artifact divine and magical which its most recurring bearer is Sara Pezzini.

LonaRPG community · Created a new topic Big Mama Armor!

I wanted to know if it would be possible to obtain in addition to the sword and symbiotic armor in a future update, it would be good to have the jumping ability to escape a corner, or something that would allow Futanari actions (Clitoris transformed into Dick) on hostile female NPCs.