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A member registered Aug 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! The floaty movement was intentional but I agree from the feedback that it only seems to increase difficulty and lower the fun. Sadly the audio issues are only apparent in the embedded browser version of the game, perhaps I should have provided download links

(1 edit)

Thank you! The difficulty curve definitely could use adjusting, and I completely agree on the power-ups - making them more distinctive was on my TODO list but I unfortunately ran out of time

Thanks for playing! The floaty movement and momentum based shooting are by design, but I think it doesn't feel as fun to control as intended - I appreciate the feedback

Thanks! It certainly feels easier with each attempt - I think there's a bit of a learning curve for the player movement

Thanks! I think I got a little too good at it from all the playtesting - I should have probably toned down the difficulty a notch

Love it. Took a short while to figure out how the controls worked but a great little puzzle afterwards

Awesome art and atmosphere. It would be great to have some visual landmarks in different rooms to help identify where you've already been