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John Willow

A member registered Nov 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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I absolutely loved it! Starting with the trailer ("I secretly resent my friends!'' lol), going to the beautiful art, perfect music, and al the way through to the inventive gameplay, it was an all-around professional experience. 

thanks guys, feel free to send me a friend invite so we can discuss details

Hi, I'm John, an amateur composer for interactive media (vidjagames) looking for something to compose for. 

You can check my portfolio out here:

And you can contact me through discord: João Rosa#9616

love the music *wink

My portfolio:

Stared work already but dont have a composer/sound designer? I gotcha covered! I'm still a newcomer, but I'm able to write in relatively large variaty of styles, and can get quality work done under pressure and in little time.

cantact me in discord at João Rosa#9616

Hi! I know I'm kinda late, but are you still looking forcomposers? If so, contact me through discord, I sent a request as João Rosa

hey, thanks! I got really stressed when I saw I'd written like ten paragraphs, so it's good to hear you liked it

I love hoe you mix subtle accoustic instrumentation with the electronic and static

I absolutely loved the vibe! that synth-punk-thing you've got going is awesome

I'm really happy to hear that! I was kinda nervous about the whole  "busy and almost psychodelic" thing I was going for (especially in Summer, when I just go all out with the drum-part), so it's awesome to know that I struck a chord

I looove the juxtaposition of the classic quartet and the crows, that comes and goes with the intensity

yo, I gotta be honest man, you really made me almost cry of nostalgia at the ending of a game I never played

(1 edit)

thanks! Those were really my favorite moments too! (and the cover art was painted by cloude monet, so it really couldn't dissapoint :D)