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A member registered Jan 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot.

Do you plan to translate it to Italian, please? ;)

Great game, thanks! ;)

Really a great game, thanks! :)

When new levels?

Just done! ;)

PS: I ordered this book to improve my Game Designer skill:

Do you know it?

Dear ootc, your game is very nice. The music and the environment it' fun. The only things I found to improve (for me, of course) are:
1...the controls (I found it challenging to pilot my "car"), but could be that I do not understand so well how to drive it (isn't so intuitive, at least for me)
2...the ambiance is a little repetitive and simple (only bombs or coin) and could be better can interact with more items.
But the main feeling is positive, congratulation.

PS: in my test, the "car" is all the time at the bottom f the screen (could be because I don't understand well how to control it), but it could be better to move it a bit up.

Dear oceo, I have make a new hero look.

You can see the new look here:

PS: now the game is playable from the browser! :)

Dear ootc, I made some changes (enemy more bad), much simple levels, new toys (portals), more check-point, a new hero look and now the game is available as HTML game too.

Take a look here:

Dear ootc, after thinking about it, I decided to try the "easier" route first (at least for the moment), making the enemies bad. I have reduced the enemy size (they seemed a little too big to me) and added more checkpoints to make the game easier. I am also working on a new look for the hero, and I plan to profoundly restructure all the levels (I want them to be very varied and, above all, very fun). I attach a screenshot where you can see the new enemies (the new look of the hero is not yet final). What do you say?

Voted! ;)

Yes, I'll be happy to vote. From today I 'll be able to download it. Wait for my vote for sure. ;) 

Thank you so much for your suggestion.  I'll try to make a new look to Pinghetto asap. Stay tuned. ;) 

I'll study the video deeply, thank you. 

I think I need to study more on game designing. 

I'll share my new idea and progresses with you shortly. 

Thanks a lot! :)

If I can do a question...
what do you appreciate most, and what less?

Dear ootc, I'm thinking of restructuring the basic idea of the game. I think to prefer a non-violence game (as you can see from the enemies). I'm thinking of changing the mission from "get all gems and optionally kill the enemies" to "get all gems and SAVE your friends" (from enemies -> friends). Some friends will be in difficult situations, and to save them, Pinghetto will need to solve some elementary puzzle. It is my basic idea for now, but I need to think about it for some time. I'll update you about the progression ASAP. In the meantime, let me thank you so much for all your friendly support. It's very appreciated! ;)

PS: what do you think about this new idea? 

Dear ootc, I just uploaded a new version ( with the following changes:

1)... 1 check-point added in any level

2)...little changes to better adapt the levels to be played in the "non-violence" path :)

PS: I'm still thinking about how to solve the "Star-Attack" problem...

Dear ootc, thanks a lot for your feedback, it's really appreciated! ;)

I'm just working to add check-points,. I'm also trying to find a solution to the "Star-Attack" problem. Do you have any idea about how can use the Star without violence?

PS: I'm also working on the 6th level (with portals)

PPS: from today Pinghetto is available on the Google Play Store:

I just released the last stable Pinghetto 16 bit Platform Game here:

It's currently FREE.

It is an adorable, retro-style (pixel-art) platform game.

It's currently in developing-stage (only the first 5 levels). Try it and send me your comments.

(1 edit)

Dear friend,

I just uploaded my last 5° Level of Pinghetto ( I think the game is at the right level, so I decided to ask for the Community Feedback.


What I'm looking for:

1)...Pro and Con of the Game

2)...What do you think can be Added, Removed, or Changed

and more in general, your sincere opinion as Game-Dev and as Game-Player.

That's all! :)

Kind regards.
