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A member registered Apr 03, 2015 · View creator page →

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uhhh why are you so COOL for making this? who made you so cool??

Thanks for playing! The de-purr-essed kitty should have needed the Tonic of Comfort. You may have encountered a bug!

Adorable game with fun gameplay! Challenging too. I like sounds and bouncy animations! Good job!

This game was cool! I love that it got pretty challenging, made me really have to think about my upgrade choices!

Respect to all the healers out there... your job's not easy!

This game was cool! I love that it got pretty challenging, made me really have to think about my upgrade choices!

Respect to all the healers out there... your job's not easy!

I recommend uploading the .zip file directly to next time - a lot of people probably bounced off when they saw the files were in a Google Drive.

Thank you for the helpful feedback! This was indeed our first jam and we're very excited to get started on another. 

Thanks for the feedback! Regarding theme, we focused the game around the child and Pongo and them being stronger together. 


Thanks! A fun tidbit: The original ending was scrapped due to time constraints, so we came up with a clever little alternative that I think turned out good!

Thanks for playing! Yes the pong bug is something we would've liked to resolve by submission, but alas it's a game jam after all.. :)

This game is super chill. Love the exploration focus. 

Neat little game! Like the concept of gravity assist.

Neat little game!

This was awesome! Love the concept. Love that you can shape the horde by bumping into objects. Super fun to play.

This was super cool. Absolutely love the idea, and executed super well. Great work!

Cool game! Love the puzzle mechanic. My only recommendation would be to maybe have 1 additional tutorial room that shows you how to pick up multiple pieces of food. Cheers!

Doom + Dan eating tacos. Yes please.

This was actually pretty difficult! Well done, I enjoyed it.

This was pretty damn awesome. Really creative and executed super well!

This was pretty well written, bravo!

This was really cool! I wish I had someone to play it with me, but even just as 1 person it was great. Love the dancing sprites. I also appreciate the wide timing window (which didn't make it too easy, I actually failed the song). Good music too, did one of the team members make that track?

Very relaxing, good work!

This is pretty good! I like the instructions being on the sides of the screen at all times. Actually makes it easy to figure out what you're doing. Lots of devs forget to tell me how to play their game, so that's a good plus.

Only complaint is that the monster looks so happy and I feel bad beating it up :(

Nice work! I like the luchadeer sprite, and do you have the holes spawning randomly or did you pick their spawns? Works well, and I survived longer than I thought.