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A member registered Jul 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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If you end up choosing this game for Day 4 leave a comment! That way the other developers can follow your progress! :)

If you end up choosing this game for Day 4 leave a comment! That way the other developers can follow your progress! :)

Ah my bad. Well the rest of the message still applies!

I will pick this up for day 3!

(1 edit)

Don't even worry about it! That's also on me, I was in a bit of a hurry so didn't comment my code properly. Also don't be afraid to add something new if you are unsure what to make of the existing code. Looking at your post for day 3 you were able to add something and pass it on, so it looks like you did great! :)

Yes! Sorry for the late reply, but it sounds like you managed to get it to work.

In case anyone else has the same problem: You extract the Day2.rar file using a program such as winrar or 7zip, after which you have the folder containing the project's assets. From that point you can open it using Unity Hub.

Hey! I tried to download the game on a different pc and everything seems to work alright. Did you make sure to download Day 2.rar, not the build or the icon by accident? Did you open the unity project on version 2022.3.5 or higher?

https://jorim.itch.io/sheepherder Here is the link to day 2's submission in case you want to follow the progress! I only had a few hours, so I added a pen for the sheep to be herded in, added a menu and credits, and refactored the code a bit!

If you decide to pick this project to continue working on Day 3, leave a comment so the past devs can follow your progress! Good luck and have fun in the rest of the jam everyone :).

If you decide to pick this project to continue working on Day 3, leave a comment so the past devs can follow your progress! Good luck and have fun in the rest of the jam everyone :).

I'll pick this game up for day 2! I don't have a ton of time today, but I'll see what I can do with a few hours :).

(1 edit)

It looks like the particles are broken in the web build! It wouldn't be a game jam if you didn't have bugs because you forgot to test your build until just before the deadline :).

I am using Unity. This is my entry in case anyone is still looking for a day 2. https://jorim.itch.io/ten-seconds

Love the art, love the music, very polished! Great job gang!

Yes sorry! The combat is broken unfortunately, though I can't update the build to fix it. So it is more of a tech demo in current state. You didn't miss much though, as the game ends shortly after the combat.
Thanks for playing! :)

Very good feedback, I'll take that with me to my next gamejams! Thanks for playing!

If you play my submission: The combat seems to be broken. The game ended shortly after it, but it looks like you aren't able to win or lose and are unable to damage enemies. I'm really sorry about the inconvenience.

I hope you still have fun playing my attempt!

Great game. It reminds me a lot of euro boardgames about worker placement.

The art and music are great! The controls were a bit floaty. One of the tutorial messages (I think synchronize?) was really difficult to read and I'm not sure what it is supposed to say! I couldn't get to meet with both characters because I don't think I fully grasped the mechanics. I like the implementation of the theme though. Nicely done!

Very fun little game! I like how you implemented the theme both in the hunter vs. hunted design and the duality of eating / relying on prey. 

Great visuals. Really impressive how vast you made the level. Some checkpoints would have been nice! I love the music and buff cat was incredible. 

Great atmosphere for such a short time frame of development, well done!

I love the concept! The art looks great. I'd love to see this idea expanded.

Fantastic animation. Nice simple concept. Well done!

Ah that makes sense. Thanks!

Great game! I loved Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde so the flavor is great! I love the punching animation. The second level was a bit too difficult for me with the fog / darkness effect, but it was still fun playing!

Voice acting in a jam game is always really impressive. The dialogue in the intro is funny. I do think the game was a bit tedious to play. I think if the player were faster than the other characters that might alleviate a lot of that. I love the art work! The painterly brush strokes look very nice and add to the storybook feel of the game. Nicely done you all!

The game looks great, and it's clear a lot of attention went into making the movement and swapping of worlds feel good. I do think the gameplay is a bit confusing, I'm a bit unsure about what the swapping adds to the game. Still a nice jam entry!

The framing (pardon my pun) of the narrative is great! I would have enjoyed a bit more leeway on the timing restrictions, as some of the levels were quite hard to do unless you did it perfectly. I would love to see this idea explored further!

A really neat concept. I must admit I don't understand enough about chess to really grasp the consequences of your design. But I would love to see a chess afficionado disect how your new rule changes changes play. Very nice jam game!

I love the concept. Very creative way to implement the theme. I was a bit confused by the implementation. There were tons of times where I thought cards would be destroyed, but they weren't. I'm not sure if it was bugged or I am mis interpreting the tutorial. I love the art and the music! All the polish you put in is very impressive.

Your game is incredibly well polished and the sound design really makes the puzzles intrinsically fun. I think it would have been nice to see some more levels with 2 squares in it, as that ties it to the theme the strongest and made for the most interesting puzzles. But with the amount of puzzles you managed to make there already are quite a few of those. Nicely done!

Fun game with very chill vibes. The sound design and art is stellar. I ran into some issues with being unable to sell after a while, I'm unsure if that is a bug or I misunderstood the mechanic. Fantastic work!

I love the game and the puzzles, the amount of content you were able to make is really impressive! The movement bothered me a bit, as often when I lost levels it was due to wrong inputs, even though I understood what the level wanted me to do. This lead to some frustration. On the whole a super fun game though!

Love this game. Super simple concept making it very easy to grasp and surprisingly addictive. I got up to 17, the screen rotation is evil! After hitting 17 I also got to 17 while being afk and letting the game run, so the game is both challenging, but also my keyboard is beating me. Great entry, especially while also hosting!

The option to fast forward the dialogue option would be nice. Cards can be a bit finnicky to get into the chalice. Besides that the game is absolutely great. The skeleton is very cute. The underworld having walmart style vests is very funny. The puzzles were fun. Great jam entry!

I like the cloth simulation on the ghost! The environments are nice. I don't really like the reveal mechanic. I'd rather get all the puzzle information and solve it rather than hope I use my reveals on the right information and start over if I don't. 

Cool game! A simple concept and you executed it really well. 

The sound and animation while swapping feel great! The concept is fun, but the jumping is a little slippery sometimes. I think like PaulsGames said some checkpoints would probably be nice. I didn't fully finish it, but enjoyed my time playing!

Absolutely stunning visuals. The song switch when the timer is introduced feels very good. It would have been nice if there was some indication of the end of the game! Amazing jam entry!