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A member registered May 24, 2019

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There is an ending where the player gets a cat-dick just for that scene, but otherwise no. It might be a thing later on, but it would definitely require altering some scenes and CGs in a big way.

So you're... replaying the game to experience it all over again, but then complaining it takes longer each time? To do a thing you are doing entirely by choice?



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...It really ain't a difficult game, my guy. Even when playing one-handed with half of your blood going places that are definitely not your brain. Especially when Nightmare mode gives you insane EXP even for grinding the Forest or Mountains, where very few enemies pose a real threat even at your level.

With even halfway decent stats, Distract is an immensely powerful skill that can essentially "nuh-uh" most boss enemies' movesets. Making it more expensive makes perfect sense. Same with the Favors (Luck builds were utterly busted because of that).

I continue to remain baffled at why people tattle on themselves like this.

EDIT: Plus, losing is half the fun here!!

Have you learned to extract from a compressed archive yet?

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Oh hey, someone who knows hyenas are feliforms, not caniforms. Nice.
...Which makes it a bit ironic spiders are under "insect," but to be fair "arthropods" wouldn't fit very well and is awkward phrasing.

So, I know it might be self-important to type up a long, rambling review as just some rando on the Internet, but forgive me. I just finished a playthrough of the available public content, and I very much like what we've got so far. The scope of the project seems pretty ambitious, and I know that means there's always a risk the dev/writer gets burnt-out partway through, but I'm really hoping this game accomplishes everything it sets out to do.

I admit that I was hesitant at the whole "males are rare so it's just coochie for days" premise, because those stories always feel really artificial to me. A very strong sign of "oh okay, this is a whole world built around a straight guy's fantasy, yay." That can be fine for a porn game, honestly, but this one's also billing itself as porn with a story, which always sounds nice but usually falls flat, and the more justifications the story has to make for why the world just happens to suit a certain set of fantasies, the harder it is to jive with it for me.

It doesn't fall flat here. Oh, the writing is a little rough in some places, and I think a proofreader and/or an editor would help out immensely, but there's real charm in here. The protagonist is in the awkward spot of being the player's avatar, which in most games means he can't show too much personality, but I feel like the writer wasn't afraid to make the protagonist his own character here. It does mean there are times where he very much isn't doing what I would do, but you know what, I actually prefer a protag who's got personality over a blank slate I'm meant to project upon. I just view him as a separate character from "me" and it's better that way.

On the topic of "oops all girls," the immediate introduction of several male characters early into the story tells me that the author probably isn't explicitly avoiding them. I sort of got the impression that the "males are rare" thing is partly to support the protagonist being given such special status. Plus, much like with the whole "goddesses never show themselves to most mortals" thing, I get the impression there's some deeper reason that will be important later on. It's a trope I'm usually quite skeptical toward, but the good work so far has me plenty willing to see where this goes.

(Of course, the audience of this game will primarily be straight guys, and I am by no means disparaging attempts to keep them comfortable and catered-to. If I hated the idea of a titty-palooza, I wouldn't be here, heh heh. I just like immersive stories where the world needn't necessarily revolve around me, the player.)

The lewds are more scarce than I'd expected, but I found myself quite fine with that. I was enjoying the story and character interaction enough that when the lewds did occur, they felt earned and justified. The characters are appealing, the lewd scenes are animated extremely well, and the time not spent on horny scenes doesn't feel wasted at all. That last part is something I can't frequently say about lewd games.

(Plus, throwing in a scene where you fuck a slime-girl's arm tells me the author isn't going to shy away from indulging in some more unorthodox monster-girl fun, heck yeah.)

Additionally, I'm pretty excited about some of the plot hooks being laid out. There is clearly a lot going on the protagonist isn't aware of. And there's a lot going on with Fudge: I know most players trust her, but I have a lot of questions about both her motives and her activities. She also has the advantage on us, in that she can see our memories, but that doesn't go both ways. Such an unequal relationship doesn't reassure me at all. I hope I'm just being paranoid, though!

In all, I think that once I'm through my current financial turbulence, I should see about throwing some support at the creator. I really want to see this project succeed.

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A screenshot of your post was posted in the bug report channel of the Discord about three days ago, so it should get noticed.

Hard mode living up to its name, heck yeah~


I'm someone who likes "bad ends" in a lot of games, honestly. And I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be interested in a few meaner "get dominated" scenes for loss in MGD, just on a personal level.

But I can definitely appreciate a different approach where loss is just a very temporary setback. I think it's a good design decision. Plus, the folks like me who like rougher, meaner stuff have other sources of that content anyways.

I mean, dude, as someone who's into more dangerous and less moral kinks, you're asking the wrong group. Not everyone has your fetish, and not everyone is obligated to pander to your fetish.
Go play Succubus Prison or Monster Girl Quest or something. Plenty of games with girls who'll straight up kill or truly violate you.

No idea why your reply got downvoted, since you're 100% correct.
Some folks just don't like hearing what they don't want, I guess?

Yeah, there's a buttload of writing involved in this, and as a writer/editor I can say that shit's not nearly as easy as just spamming words.
I'm honestly surprised there's this much content already considering how early in development it's meant to be. Tells me the final product, when it happens years from now, is going to be FAT with content.

It's not quite the same, really. I get what the guy's saying. I absolutely like that sort of thing, too.

But I think it's dumb to complain that not every single monster girl game has an exact element you like, especially when others focus on it just fine.