It’s great to hear you like the game! By chance did you come from the Jame Gam #46 or did you find this game somewhere else?
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Loved the game, I liked your life link interpretation rather than the more common physical link! Some suggesetions:
Add more or different enemies
Maybe add some boss waves
Add a shop with basic upgrades (faster reload, more damage, etc.)
Maybe add purchasable placeable blocks and add pathfinding to the enemies, they can't go through the blocks
Keep up the great work!
Hi, it says that you haven't uploaded a game yet. I don't know how to export a game made in anything but Godot, but it should let you export the files for a specific platform. You can then zip them up into a .zip file and upload that. If you exported it for the web, make sure that the .html file is named index.html, and check the box that says it will be played in the browser. If exported as a download, make sure to upload the .zip and choose the platform!
I love the concept! I did find some bugs; whenever your vine hits something, you usually can't back out, your vine is just stuck. I couldn't find a reset key, so I just have to restart the game. You could add a pause menu where you can reset/quit the game, or add a reset key!
Also, I love the art and the audio, along with how satisfying it is to see the vine smoothly grow out!