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A member registered Jun 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for playing! I'll probably fix the song issue and add options for keyboard mapping in a future update!

Nice, simple concept but I was somehow still really terrible at it. Neat game, though!

Thank you so much for playing!

The art and concept were really good but it could've done with a bit more explanation. For a jam game, really excellent work!

Thanks so much for playing! I definitely wanted to make the game a bit easier but didn't get the time. I'll probably update after the jam with more songs and better difficulty progression though.

Nice entry! The gameplay mechanics/polish were exceptional and I can now distinctly remember playing your game for the GMTK 2022 jam a few years ago. Overall this was a really cool game.

I really enjoyed this one. The gameplay and polish were very nice. Amazing work!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks so much for playing! I'll probably lower the difficulty after the jam voting ends but feedback like this is super helpful!

Another great Godot Engine entry! The polish,  art, and simplicity were really impressive. Overall just a really solid jam game! 

Loved the concept, style, and gameplay mechanics. Nice job!

The graphics and gameplay are really good. Definitely a very impressive jam game!

Thanks for playing!

I loved the art and style. I have pretty much no critique. Amazing work!

The concept was very creative and interested but the gameplay could've used a bit more polish. Good work, though!

I liked the sounds and UI transitions but I had a bit of trouble with using Z to jump... The throwing mechanic was quite enjoyable once I got used to it though!

Some people were having trouble with my game on Chrome on Mac so I've just been telling them to use Safari. I think it must be an issue with the Godot export/ sharedbuffer settings or something since my game is also made with Godot...

I loved the concept, style, and polish. Really amazing work!

The style of this game was incredible but I could have used some better explaining in-game. Overall a nice submission though!


This mechanic implementation really impressed me and was significantly distinct from many of the other size-based games I've played so far.

I really liked the polish, style. and design you managed to incorporate in the game! The mechanic was somewhat confusing at first but once I got the hang of it it was really fun. Great job!

Thanks for playing! I hadn't customized the levels selector from Godot UI defaults but maybe that means I should lol.

Thanks so much for playing!

Thank you! The hammer is actually the pixel art asset I'm most proud of :P

Thanks so much for playing! I'll try to make the difficulty progression easier in a future update!

Thanks for playing/leaving feedback! I'll try to make the game a bit easier (especially in the beginning) after the jam concludes

Thanks for playing/leaving feedback! Unfortuately the sync issues between the music and note blocks was an issue I was only able to resolve after the jam deadline but something I definitely will push a fix for after voting ends.

Thanks so much for playing! I really admire your games/art style so it was cool to see your submission as well!

Thanks so much for playing! The wii menu theme probably would have been really challenging but it might make an appearance in a future release of the game ;)

Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely be sure to try to make the controls easier in a future update.

Thanks for playing! The notes being off-sync is actually  a bug lol but I managed to find a fix just after the deadline passed.

Thanks for the feedback! I definitely want to make it a bit easier in a future update...

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for leaving feedback! In a future update, I'll probably take that suggestion and move the notes higher, which is something I had originally thought of doing anyway.

Thank you so much for playing the game! I definitely want to address the difficulty level in a future update though...

Thanks for playing/leaving feedback!

Thanks so much for playing/leaving feedback! I definitely want to make future versions of the game have an easier ramp up in difficulty and I find it really cool to see the variety in the musical interpretations of the theme!

Thank you so much for playing/commenting!

Thank you for playing and leaving feedback! I definitely wanted to have support for alternate keyboard layouts included in the published jam version but it unfortunately didn't work out. I'll be sure to include it in the next version I release after the jam voting ends.