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A member registered Oct 09, 2021

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Ok thanks, I did remember the MC being a woman as well from who played the game on YouTube (as I watched a few minutes of the game before closing the video) but then when I looked the game up again I was confused because everyone kept using They/Them XD

I admit in a way it would have been cooler/more comfortable to play if it was unspecified, as a Trans man it would have been cool and even more relatable for the fear of pregnancy if I could assume the MC was of my choice with gender, but at the end of the day it's not a major issue for the game given the creator is obviously free to chose the MC gender, the only reason I'm not playing it is because I don't have the time to play it because of other games that are more time consuming than this and require constant "attention", maybe one day I will have time to play it hopefully.

I tried playing it from the beginning but nothing really changed sadly after playing from the very beginning, both by playing clicking start making a new file or by loading a old file where I saved at the start.

Quick question, is the MC a woman, unspecified or non-binary (to help the self insert if the player is maybe trans or non-binary but I'm not sure) because I've seen a few people refer to the MC as They/Them but there is pregnancy in the game so I'm confused if it's just people avoiding giving a gender to the MC but it's a woman or if it's non-binary so you can interpret it as maybe a trans man or something.

(1 edit)

Well, the game is meant to make you feel uncomfortable and grossed out it doesn't mean they were calling the game ugly.

If someone felt like that it means the game is well written and it succeeded with it's objective.

Personally I'm uncomfortable for the whole different reason that playing as a girl is almost like a "phobia" to me, so the game uncomfortable to play wouldn't stop me even if I watched the most heavy gore scene in existence.

The only thing that really makes me unable to make me play is the MC gender, but that's a me problem/"phobia", I don't even know if there's actually a phobia about being "forced" being a woman in videogames (it only apply to games as it would be rare if in real life someone come and tell me to be a woman because I have to according to them)  but the only reason I can't "stand" to play it myself is for the MC gender.

I remember watching someone else play it, even then it made me uncomfortable the fact that it was a woman MC but I remember the game being really good.

Either way I'm getting distracted.

They aren't calling the game ugly, it makes sense to call it uncomfortable or disgusting given it's not really meant to be cute.

(Actually I don't know if the MC is a woman or not, it does say pregnancy but people refer to the MC with neutral pronouns from what I've seen)

I have one question about the mobile version of it.

I found the game on Playstore and have it on my phone as it is the only way I can play it however there's no nightmare mode in it compared to the computer version, so I was curious about it and when it will be added on phone as well, even approximately is fine.

I was just curious because I would really love to play the nightmare mode myself.

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot! I'll try that.

Also the game is great, I really love the characters, they are all funny XD

The vvery beginning is from the same file or a new file though? (If you can't answer that because it is better to find it myself is fine) because with the new file nothing really changed.

(4 edits)

SPOILERS for the 8/9 ending

I got 9 out of 10 endings after reaching the point where I have 8 endings and it unlock the 9 ending where I survived when leaving Virus alone and reached the part where someone else apparently is playing the game and it leads me to a link of a 10 hours video.

I want to get the last ending but don't know how, does anyone know without spoiling it?

If it is relatively the same ending different answers then spoilers are ok though.

I kinda thought the red X or ticks you can press and make noises could do something for a specific ending but I guess not or maybe I didn't try enough.

I just realized that probably the ending 10 might be the comic itself but I don't know/think that's it.

No problem! At the end of the day I have a computer I can use to play it but I'm just lazy to turn it on because it have to do with the fact that I have to switch cables from PS to PC, which isn't difficult of course, I'm just lazy and don't use the PC as much as my PS XD

But I will definitely do it to download this because I really like Baxter and getting more moments with him is nice, plus I love Japan a lot so having this Japan inspired date is really cute.

I was curious about something, do you think it will possible in a future to have this even on mobile? (Of course if it isn't possible that's fine, I have a PC so I can download it there, I was just curious to know if that would be a thing)

Thanks to you for being so nice and available despite surely you are already full of questions and work, take care all of you working right now!

Thanks and sorry!

I don't really know how it works, also this is not to justify my asking too many questions, but despite the young age I have slight memory issues so I end up forgetting I already wrote something so I usually end up writing too many things at once (whetever it's the same question or a different one) but you can ignore the other ones that's fine.

I was a bit more curious about the DLC at the moment so you don't need to answer the others, don't worry about it.

I would delete some of them but I don't know how so if you see any other question from me (wherever it's the same or a different one) you can ignore it since it's usually just me forgetting that I already received an answer or already know the answer.

Sorry again for the inconvenience, hope you have a great day/night!

Does someone know if the DLC for the wedding or Derek and Baxter Route are already out?

I searched Online and looked on Patreon but despite the mention of this DLC there's nothing that either talk about a release date, them existing or a possibility to buy them in the future.

I tried to ask to the game developer on Patreon or Tumblr but never got an answer so I'm trying here or some other people who maybe know when they will come out on Patreon because they probably saw when the post that talked about a possible date release was shared until I wait for a answer from the developer.

One question, I downloaded the voiced lines for the names and selectEd Josh (since it's the closest one that I could find for Joshua), Steam automatically put the voiced lines in the game and I clicked on the name similiar to my name but I couldn't hear the characters say it, I thought that only Cove could when my mom didn't said it but I never heard Cove said my name as well and I don't know what to do.

I also tried to keep the base name Jamie just to hear him say the voiced name even if it wasn't mine, but it still didn't worked.

Did I do something wrong?

In case I did there's a solution for it?

I really don't know what to do😅😂