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Does someone know if the DLC for the wedding or Derek and Baxter Route are already out?

I searched Online and looked on Patreon but despite the mention of this DLC there's nothing that either talk about a release date, them existing or a possibility to buy them in the future.

I tried to ask to the game developer on Patreon or Tumblr but never got an answer so I'm trying here or some other people who maybe know when they will come out on Patreon because they probably saw when the post that talked about a possible date release was shared until I wait for a answer from the developer.


I really appreciate that you're interested in those pieces of content, but the answer to that question is on this store page ^^;. It says under Release Structure what's been released, when it came out, and what we're working on next. The Derek, Baxter, and Wedding DLCs are still in-progress but are definitely on the list of what we're working on. I have seen your comments but they've all come in recently and I'm afraid I can't reply to everything super fast all the time.

Thanks and sorry!

I don't really know how it works, also this is not to justify my asking too many questions, but despite the young age I have slight memory issues so I end up forgetting I already wrote something so I usually end up writing too many things at once (whetever it's the same question or a different one) but you can ignore the other ones that's fine.

I was a bit more curious about the DLC at the moment so you don't need to answer the others, don't worry about it.

I would delete some of them but I don't know how so if you see any other question from me (wherever it's the same or a different one) you can ignore it since it's usually just me forgetting that I already received an answer or already know the answer.

Sorry again for the inconvenience, hope you have a great day/night!

It's okay! I feel bad when players feel like they're being ignored and appreciate when askers are understanding that it can take some time to get to their comment, but I know not everyone is super familiar with reaching out to devs or best places to contact and that sort of thing. It's not a big deal to try figuring out how to get a response when you're unsure about what to do. Thank you for understanding :]

Thanks to you for being so nice and available despite surely you are already full of questions and work, take care all of you working right now!

Thank you and no problem :D