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Josue's Games

A member registered Jul 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks, It means a lot!

Very nice game! It kinda reminded me of a game called cookie clicker. The art was nice and that was a very creative game. Could you rate my game too? It would make my day.

Wow! The art was amazing. The dialouge was a good idea.

Love the game! Very creative way to use the theme. Could you play my game? It would make my day!

Nice game! I liked the pixel art.

I like the music, unfortunatley the game doesn't run.

Nice game! I liked the music!

Thanks! Yeah, I ran out of time for music XD

(1 edit)

I like the game! It's simple but yet you kept me playing for half an hour!

Wow! Amazing game. The 3d models were outstanding and the movement was pretty good. It made me feel like I was playing Minecraft. I rated your game, could you please rate mine?

Awesome game! The visuals where great and the particles where outstanding. Good Job! Could you rate my game



Wow! Thanks. So what should I have my canvas set to? Screen space overlay, or something else? Thanks.

Awesome Game! Music was cool and the graphics where pretty good. I rated your game. Do you think you could rate ours?

Awesome Game!

Nice Game!

Thanks! I don't know if you know but you can skip the intro if you go into full screen.

Oh, thank you!

I am doing a two-person player movement, one moves with the arrow keys, and another moves with WASD. How do I code the movement like that without needing to do get axis raw? Thanks! BTW, this is in the Unity game engine with C#.

Thanks! There is a way to keep track of score. I noticed that with different screen sizes the some of the game gets cut out, and the UI gets all mixed up. I'm gonna look into a way to be able to play the game without hitting fullscreen. This is my first game jam, if you know how to fix this please reply.

Nice idea!

I like the concept of the game!

The graphics and audio was nice.

Nice game, we both have the same background music, what a coincidence!

Hi guys! Just wanted to let you know to hit full screen to see the whole game. Some of it is cut of without full screen.

Good idea, I'll look into making an update!

The art and animation is incredible! So much better than I could ever do.

Awesome game!

Love the graphics & animations!

Love you're game, the animations and 3d modeling is amazing!

I love the art and the game fits the theme perfectly.