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A member registered Mar 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!! I've been chewing on the idea of expanding it into something larger, but I have no idea how to turn something like this into a full thing 

But not for long.. because soon they will be SCRAP! MWAHAHAHAH

Something about the melee feels dinky! I can't quite place my finger on it though.. maybe I increase the hit stun and reduce the velocity a bit? Or remove the hot box so enemies slide past each other when hit?? 

Thank you sir much!! And man, you know, I really should have put an easy mode in!! I had a debug mode where I could do exactly that 😭😭😭


Thank you so much!! I went back and forth between having hotboxes so tiny they were effectively beans and hit boxes that let enemies stay spaced out a bit. Honestly I think having two colliders on different layers would have been the call. 

By God.. you've DONE IT!! What a beautiful laser shit holy moly!!!! I'm glad you made it! And I'm sorry I made the evil robot skeleton too fast :(!

The visuals are striking, and game concept is quite unique! It's unnerving, meaty, and I love the use of power here <333 I struggled to uh, not die. BUT! I had a great time siphoning our little meatball buddy while I was alive :)

These are *exactly* the kinds of games that I'm personally really bad at, but I love the style, flair, and enemy variety  y'all were able to squeeze out in the time. I really liked this one, despite being a horrible player <3

I love it when people put the time into VFX, hitstun, and satisfying enemy deaths. This one's fun, straightforward, and slots right into where I want it to be <3 Y'all hit the nail on the head, and I had a great time :)

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 Yeah, if I were to go back and change it, I would make either enemies a bit slower or the melee a bit more smacky! Live and learn, I think <3 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PLAYING.

Awwwwwh shit I REALLY like that idea though. UGH it TOTALLY should have done a TEENY tiny bit of charge every hit. JUST enough to feel a bit more powerful.

Thank you so much!!! <3 I'm glad you got the chance to hear the AWESOME BOSS MUSIC of our AWESOME COMPSOER <333

THANK YOU SO MUCH <33 And yeah, a nice little dodge would have given the player a bit more agency over the whole 'not getting slaughtered in a corner problem' - especially if the dodge was on a nice, long cooldown as to not erode the whole point of it. But! live and learn :) I'm not the best designer, and am really just here to type code fast. 

I hope your lawyer has a LASER


I will continue to throw our artist props - IT WAS THEIR FIRST TIME DOING PIXEL ART! WHAT A LEGEND

The one health strikes again! ApoLOGIES FRIEND :sob: I am glad the beeeeg laser brought you JOY


Thank you so much!! Pretty much all the time went to juice 😭. And I can not stress enough how sick our artist was! This was his first time doing pixel art and he COOKED

The BEEEEEG laser appreciates your SUPPORT!!!

I'd unironically listen to this soundtrack while I work.

Little wizard guy is what we all aspire to be. Napping, and with a nice laser

Stylish, delightful, but gosh dang if I'm not just downright BAD at this game!I really struggled with the sideways attacking coupled with the initially slow move speed. My FIST is powerful, but I don't FEEEEL powerful.

You know, I was wondering what a perfect game looks like. 10/10. Absolutely peak. My wife and I love it.

I will continue to throw props to our artist! It was his first time doing pixel art! THANK YOU <3333

Mikey spits facts and makes hamsters fall in love. Bless you, friend.


I lie dangling from a powerline. I am alive.

I lie dangling from a powerline. I am alive.

This. Is some peak fish art :)

I came back. The frog was just too powerful. 

All I want to do is feed the ducks. But all I get, are BIG chomps out of bones from the bears. Please sir. Let me feed the ducks.

All I want to do is feed the ducks. But all I get, are BIG chomps out of bones from the bears. Please sir. Let me feed the ducks.

This game presents so well! it's bold and stylish! My wife and I really struggled to flick peopl, especially at the start!

This game presents so well! it's bold and stylish! My wife and I really struggled to flick peopl, especially at the start!

I got so baited. I put so many seconds into the microwave. And now I am so, so tan. What a delight.

I got so baited. I put so many seconds into the microwave. And now I am so, so tan. What a delight.

I really struggled to get the hamsters into the date box. But once I did. Holy moly. They wouldn't stop. Help. The world is now hamsters.