It's perfect

Hi! Bought the expanded version of this adventure the day before yesterday and all in all I can say is that it looks amazing! Can't wait to dive my players into this world this Saturday!
I do have one question about Grit and Flesh.
Do I understand correctly that these two parameters completely replace HP, and the main mechanical difference between Grit and Flesh is the recovery rate?
Also, I would like to understand how these stats work narratively, since my players are very interested in wagering even small wounds :)
If a character has 10 Grit and 5 Flesh (10/5) and has to take 9 damage, he's left with 1/5. And as a result of such a hit, the character will only get bruises and minor scratches, right?
And if the character with 1/5 gets 4 damage, does that mean he has 0/2 left and from the narrative point of view he gets quite a serious wound?