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A member registered Sep 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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You are a great person! I would love to see this game finished and bringing joy to disabled persons!

Thanks both of you for your comments and motivation!

Really great games! 

 I didn't really know how fun a game jam could be before I tried it. Thank you very much for the fun topic and for the motivation to actually finish a game. This was my first almost finished game and also the first game jam.

I learned a lot of new things while doing the project. Some of these are how to store data in Unity so that it is kept for the next launch of game - you can keep your upgrade progress and level progress.  Also after receiving some of my testers' comments I now know not to make a game extremely hard for myself as for the first time player this makes it "hard, unforgiving and frustrating". There were some challenges I had to face but the overall spirit of the Jam kept me going and finding solutions. Probably most of my time went on the upgrade system. 

My plan for now is to develop on that game further and fixing some of the issues which frustrate the players: 

  • Health needs to be more obvious - some of the testers couldn't understand how they die when staying still as the health indicator is on the top and it makes it hard to keep eye on.
  • Difficulty - Need to add some balance or maybe an interactive tutorial explaining the mechanics of the game. Players don't like to read long texts and this leads to them missing the core points of the game and gameplay.
  • Sounds - I need to put more work on sounds. Also add options for sound volume and On/Off. 
  • UI - currently really basic and also after a few tests I noticed that it is messed up. Probably will go for minimalistic UI  in game and will add more stats on the other screens.
  • Animations - Although the art is not much, some animations will bring it to live.
  • Content - more levels and some interactable items - like an wooden plank you can pick up to block enemy fish attack.
  • Balance - Maybe buff the upgrades as currently it takes a lot of these in order to notice a difference. The enemies must give some kind of visual warning before rushing you  - maybe in the form of exclamation mark when you are noticed and short preparation for an attack animation.

This list could probably go on... 

@tdelarosa723 - Your game deserves to be finished, please do finish it if you have the chance!

See you in some of the next jams guys! 

I like the unique approach for a match game! The fish is beautiful and the sounds are cool! 

Nice game! It is a decent challenge, but also the overall mood of the game gives you motivation to push through it. Appealing visuals and nice music!  I think this  will be great for the younger audience :)  

Thanks, celiaak! I will definitely do that! Also will do some other updates for the UI and game difficulty. It was fun doing my first jam! Thank you very much!

Nice game! Beautiful fish x

This is awesome! Love the dark level -  great idea with the scary fish holding a coin in the dark - almost got me! I like how you can see your bones left where you died last time.  Graphics are good and music is funny. Really enjoyed the game!

Oh! Yes, you are right, thanks. I fixed it now.

I already submitted. It is a bit unpolished but I am satisfied with the result. Check out the Piranha King. Thank you very much for the jam! It was my first one and I really enjoyed it! Definitely would take part again! 

This is very fresh! I like the cuteness in the characters and the funny-adventure music! Where was that game when I was a kid... damn! :)

Thanks! I will do some finishing touches and will try to submit it today

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This my progress until now. Probably wont change much as i won't have time for animations and will most likely finish level 3 and add level 4 and 2-3 new enemies/ obstacles

P.S. There are some bugs but I like to look at them as random features :D 

Thanks! I also included some upgrades of speed, damage taken and maximum health. You collect fish and buy upgrades which has incrementally increasing price. The game is very hard and probably I will create only 4-5 levels for now. Also have added a jelly fish enemy and currently working on mad corals enemy which acts like spikes turning on and off over time :D This is my first game jam and I am really excited to take part in it.

This is so cool!

(1 edit)

Bloop looks cool! My idea is similar to yours but it is more like time pressure/stealthy puzzle kind of game. You start with big piranha looking fish which slowly loses its pigment and has to eat smaller fish to keep its color or it becomes black and dies. It also has to keep out of the bigger fish who also have a light and can see from a far rushing towards player and doing an instant kill :D You can hide under the seaweeds and wait for the fish to pass you...  Here is a screenshot of the start of the first scene.

P.S. My pixel art sucks :D.