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A member registered Apr 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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This was greatg!

I loive you <3 these noises will complete me

I love this game so much, pure creativity is rare 

(1 edit)

Sorry we were planning on making more but ran out of time :/

Edit: We were planning on making the track autogenerate but it was too technically complex

It had sheep, it had nice music, what more could you possibly want out of a game

Very fun i was blasting clowns, youre lucky bc i do that in my spare time anyway.

Brilliant, the old man got me to go do something 10/10

Man I was be driftin' about the place, gameplay was very solid i loved drifting i can tell you that ;]

I loved your memory game, I found all the memories as a yellow lego man, it was indeed a unique experience, that was a nice memory to find i would say

This is great, fast double jump, slow high jump, my god there are so many options i can barely believe it.

oh my god! 'Rocks substituted for the rain' amazing

Oh this is just great! This is so simple and so effective, perfect use of the theme :] . my favourite poem was 'faded seagulls' because it made me lol

Loved the art and the gameplay is very relaxing :]. The music is quite peaceful. I like the bold decision to name your project folder 'balls' very nice touch

This game is great! I loved the movement mechanics and the characters are so cute <3

oh im so sorry It looked as though it hadn't been exported most exports have very simple file structures nvm

I thought I was having fun when nightmare mode activated, I thought I was having fun when double nightmare mode activated but I gotta tell you, tripple nightmare mode was fun. Very nice the visuals are great and the gameplay is tactile, I also love the intro animation :]

(1 edit)

Oh wow thank you for the technical reply, funnily enouph I already do use clamping but I guess I just never got the same error on my end :]

Edit: Although I didn't use clamping in the main menu, maybe thats wehre the errors coming from...

Aww i love the animals, they have so much character!

Im not entirely sure what im supposed to do, but the art was alright and it has a nice atmosphere :]

I am inspired by your work, gnoming around changed my perspective on life

Remember to tick the box that tells itch what platform youre releasing on otherwise people will have difficulty finding it :]

Wow pretty cool mechanic that you used to create some interesting puzzles, amazing art, although the movement was a little slippery its a pretty good platformer :]

I enjoyed collecting the men for my party, quite atmospheric :]

Nice music very cool and unique art, the gameplay is kindof confusing bc the pumpkins move randomly so its never safe to attack them so its best just to run and they take health so quick the game restarts very quick but the art is very exceptional :]

I collected the diamond and attacked some enemies what more is there to say, a classic adventure I would call it, I like the art especially though it coudl use some sound :]

This is a very fun game, gives you some stuff to do and brings some unexcpected challenges, one thing I will say is that the gliding mechanic could be improved if the bird had a bit more forward velocity when falling but this was quite fun to play.

Cute artstyle and some interesting mechanics, very nice platformer, some sound would make it a little better and a menu would allow for people to leave the game without tabbing out but nice game overall :3

Wow great! I love the artsyle and the jumping mechanics feel good although they are a little slipery, the sound adds something extra and it isn't too intrusive or repetative though some music would improve the experience, def in my top 10 :]

The UI problem has been patched

It would be nice if there was some more visual feedback like something describing what youve put in the coffee so far so that you know the ingredients have been added, otherwise this is a really cool game I enjoyed the music and the gameplay was simple and fun, maybe it would have been better if a line built up and the drinks were made quicker so your incentivised to work quicker or something :]

Select one of these boxes in order to make it clear what platform your game is for :]

Quite fun I liked the exponential aspect of the gameplay, the music seemed dispraportionately excited for the games content but that added charm I think. Try putting the exe in a more accesable area in your directory I had to look around for a bit to get it :]

Check the box for what platform this game is for so people know whether they can play it or not :]

Quite fun, I like the music and the visuals were simple but effective, the audio was well done overall and I like the ramp up in difficulty as you go, this game feels pretty polished for a jam game :]

I caught some lima beans, what more can be said :]

This was pretty interesting, the art is nice aswell, the story thjough linear is pretty cool and I like that there are choices :]

I do enjoy clicking on leaves and pumpkins...which is why it pains me to inform you a fatal error occured preventing me from continuing to do so ;_;