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A member registered Apr 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Pretty good, the music reminds me of Interstellar for some reason.

Really enjoyable and relaxing

Very short. The art and music were awesome.

Got violent at times but I really love the idea and execution. Great game!

I appreciate the feedback! 

The air deceleration is definitely a problem, I think me playing the game over and over blind-sighted me while my friends didn't pick up on it while play-testing. I am redoing the movement script for a post-jam update and I will happily make sure it feels far better and more predictable.

For the controls, It did cross my mind at some point that the controls being locked would bring major issues on accessibility, it should have been a priority especially for a precise and difficult platformer. When the judging is over I will definitely feature the option in the update.

Anything is possible, be the rat.

Thank you so much! I may have overdone the difficulty a tad.

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed the game.

(1 edit)

Thanks! I was worried because the only people I had to test my game were people who had seen me develop the game and knew exactly what to do, but I am glad it worked out.

I was very tired and couldn't stop laughing at my own drawing like a loser, Glad you enjoyed it!

The one thing I would have done if I had more time is to make a better player controller script. Thanks for the feedback, for completeness sake I will release an updated controller once judging is over. Glad you liked the game!

I did not make the music, but I am glad that I chose correctly! I love difficult platformers and I might have leaned a little too hard into that direction.

Hey! I love your idea, I think swinging would be a fun use of the tail. The respawn bug is something I knew about when testing and I fixed hilariously bad scenarios that sometimes sent you backwards... Thanks for the feedback!