smack the cities and don't space bar, easy
just enough randomness
Recent community posts
i just beat it after going at it again, imma share some tips to help out anyone struggling
1 you wanna go hyper aggressive, especially early on, else santa spams powerful armies at you, always look for an opportunity to take a region, stand down and fortify are useless, you should have like 25-33% of the map captured before you need above 3 guards
2 the instruction and unit caps are very restrictive, elfantry and tanks are the best units to work around them, you'd wanna abandon guards when hitting this cap
3 you wanna focus on making units, resources are not very scarce
for the actual battles
1 try to predict your opponent's moves when you have excess instructions and always do it at the end of the turn so there is the greatest chance of the enemy having already went there
2 make sure to incorporate dodging into your playstyle, dodge their attacks with some of your units
3 know how you should play around weaker and stronger units, and when a unit is really worth keeping for recovery, generally you wanna keep your units early-mid so they recover as units are scarce early on
nice game but needs more explanation for what sitting down and fortifying actually do, as well as showing statistics on stuff
also needs some animations to be sped up
now that i think about it, a cheap but limited scouting method would be nice to see what you can get or what enemies are actually there
i think insanity mode just happened to be a LOT easier that version, and yes increase the range for those wands, just make it travel further before circling but not make it circle over a wider area so it can actually be useful for cramped spaces AND wider spaces, at least able to get some damage off
5 days later after an update, i FINALLY beat the boss, didn't lose my shield from wistful ward (or whatever that relic was called)
later died cause i chose one of these wands that has the projectiles circle the player, those things are trash cause of their short range, they need more range to be good
also beat inasity mode second try, it was not that hard, the trick is to use high damage staffs and mainly going for forge upgrades, while keeping the rooms small, along with good dodging and taking it slow, also keep the velicity from getting too low so you can actually hit stuff, but besides that focus on firerate and damage