Quick note, your Deck Manager setup MAY be reset because of this update. If that happens, sorry!
Tom Elliott
Creator of
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Sorry for the late reply, I don't really check Itch as much as other channels (for shame).
That's actually a REALLY good idea, if this ever gets patched it'll be when Wizards announced new planes but I've added "Option to have Phenomenon in the deck/on the map" to the list.
Regarding Susan Foreman, good catch and thanks for telling me! I've added it to the list of bugs, if the app get's patched this will get fixed.
Wonderful work!
- The game looks cool as hell, the bloom really makes it pop 💥
- I missed the telegraphing on a few of the mechanics for my first few runs (like teleporting, getting weapons after a timer, damage feedback with screenshake off) but figured it out in the end!
- Ayyy you got IK'd legs in there, that's nuts! I LOVE that! Really adds to the feel of the thing. ⭐
It triiiiies to replace the weapon with the least ammo, but it's a little bugged. Because the Rail Gun has a Max ammo of 20 or so and others have a max of 100, the Rail gun will often be immediately replaced! Boo indeed!
If I go back to it, it needs to replace weapons based on relative remaining ammo rather than absolute.
Really dig this c: The art style is minimal but in an elegant way, stylish as heck.
Difficulty needs more pacing, takes a looong time to make progress. I found it super hard but I may just be bad at Video games.
The mechanic is very clever, it entices you to be daring so you can get the most out of your shot gun, luv it.