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A member registered Jul 15, 2022

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ctrl+c & ctrl+v from Dyne: 

"When I first released those epilogues, I left them unlocked so people could see them in case there had been issues with their save files.  A recent update I did, I turned on the unlock variable, so you have to have completed their best route endings to unlock the epilogues."

Find your save files and replay each ending. They should appear.

(5 edits)

Hello! Loved the VN so far. I only played through the current Richard content and pretty much enjoyed everything.

Started Spencer and noticed a problem, however. At around day 11 Spencer stops changing emotions completely, stuck forever in his basic expression. The MC also barely changes faces.

Is this a bug? Has something broken for me? There's no FAQ about it. It keeps going on for like 5 more in-game days and there's no sign of fixing lol. I mean, just reading text is fine, but poor Spence must have a jaw spasm or something, otherwise it's just jarring xd

This might kinda be necroposting, but oh well...

So I'm Russian and Tchort is a slavic thing, here you have it: "t" don't have to be specifically read, it's just "chort".

IPA if you want: [ʧɔrt]. "ch" like in chair.

Read through the current content. Amazing style, unique conception, really looking forward to seeing more!

Also, what about the very first party? Are we likely to see them again?

I really liked Mane...........................................................

Just discovered this, but wow! Russian translation :D

I don't need it personally, but I know that a lot of our folk do need it. Thanks for caring! :)

It does, but as far as I could notice, CG start after a while of playing.

Some CG show up automatically, but some CG showed up only when I clicked on the eye in the upper left. If you feel like a scene sounds like it has CG, try clicking the eye.

There's a bunch of amazing CGs in Lizards' questline if you want to see some. There other places, but I won't spoil. I don't remember any in the first stages of the game, though.

I see, thanks for you reply! Well, I'll just play on PC then, no big deal

Hello! I downloaded version 15 (Android) back then (I think, idk how to check), and after some time, newer versions came out. I want to update, but my time machine at home refuses to work :(

Nothing happens if I click. It isn't a biggie, but is there no way to save before updating to a newer version?..

Also, I tried Tavern of Spear long time ago, but back then it didn't hook me up. The way Nauxus was represented in LD (especially his sprite and CG, dear God!) made me really want to go through Tavern of Spear more than ToS itself lol

Just went through all the lizard content. Felt like I've read a whole separated VN. So much work and feelings were put into their storylines, Roushk, Othra, Rhot and all the others :)

Would be great if they had some relationship recognition in their hello \ goodbye quotes, perhaps one or two simple repeateble dialouges for kiss \ anything else regarding their relationship. Overall amazing work, really looking forward to reading all the other content!

(petition for Roushk to become a real person)

Just joined the bandwagon and found out this wonderful VN. Wanted to say my praise words to you as well :)

Your work is like a fresh air after all those kinky and sex oriented VNs itch is flooded with. Great to see that you value steady relationship growth, romance and good plot over anything else. Keep it up!

Your lyre play sounds exactly like the soundtrack, if not even more lively! Well done!

(1 edit)

What a wonderful novel! Finished my first route with the best boi Rune, and ah, couldn't stay silent.

I'm so glad there are VNs like this one.

The plot is indeed intriguing - feels like comedy at first, but as well as you delve into it more, find more Barkest Corners, get to know characters (Even Teak, for instance), the book suddenly becomes more and more serious.

I was just "oh, wow, Rune actually got a new sprite, so serious!" after some time through his route. (By the way, could we get to see and play around with this special sprite in the gallery menu? Sad not to see it there.)

I really like how the MC develops too. At the beginning feels almost like a placeholder with vague representation through CG, but as the plot moves forward, he gets more motivation and more description, more deepness. Delightful approach!

Anyways, can't wait to see other characters developing too, can't wait to see more Rune in maybe other routes, can't wait to see the novel to realize its full potential :)