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K12 Studios

A member registered Dec 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi there, thanks for reporting, the issue should now be fixed :)

(Possibly do Ctrl + F5)

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Thank you very much for playing!
Glad you liked it despite the short duration! 😇

Yesss, I don't know either if this counts as a visual novel. When the project was about halfway done, I realized they're usually in a 2D style! :)

Ooh if you want to make something in 3D, just start small! Choose any engine (I would recommend Unity, since it has a large community) and experiment with some small prototypes. Give it some time and I'm sure you can make anything you want in 3D as well! :D

Thank you for your nice comment :)

Yepp, I get what you mean. The characters are quite a bit robotic :)

Thank you very much for your constructive feedback, there are things to improve!

Hahaa you're so true about the voice acting! It was an experiment, but the next time I should ask other people to act, because this is just me with heavy processing :D

Thank you for playing :)

Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, you're right, I didn't know what the 'game' was going to be until it was half way done.
The cutscenes are ment to be long and calming, but the lack of interactions don't help putting it all together.
The next time I would definitely make core mechanics for the game, since it will help the player feel involved in the story.

Thank you very much for your feedback!
I know the 'game' has very little interactions and I wanted them to be more meaningful, I just didn't have the time.
The idea wasn't worked out properly while I was developing it :)
You are right, I put the interactions in because otherwise it wouldn't be a game. "What Remains of Edith Finch" does have interactions that are way more meaningful and inspiring.
Thanks again!

Try to use your Companion to your advantage, maybe it knows where you should look!
(Try to interact (E) in the place it's suggesting)

Yep, that's true. When you ask your companion to investigate the area, he should lead you to the first clue of the first puzzle.
That's the way you progress through the game!

Thanks for your rating!

This game is fun to play, I like it!
Playing with a controller makes it even better!

Thank you!
You should have completed the game when it automatically returns to the main menu, after the last cutscene! :D

Thanks for your feedback!
You are right, just E isn't enough. To improve that I could add interaction using your mouse or a minimal highlight, when looking at an interactable object.
Thanks again!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it! :D
Yeah, I definitely have plans to add features and extend the game, maybe leading to my first Steam release!

Fun to play!

That's true!
When the jam is over, I will fix all bugs and take your wise advice into account.
Thank you for rating!

I asked Mikkel via Discord, he told me:
"It is not too late :) Just upload it!"

Yep, that was it. Cool fighting mechanics!


The other comments look promising, but nothing happened when I pressed F on the bed...
Sadly I couln't play your game!

It's the retro art style I tried to achieve, just like your game! :D

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Yep, it's got some bugs haha
Thank you for reporting the issue :D

(Edit: I think I fixed it. At least it's way harder to do that now.)

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Thank you!
Totally agree on that graphic effect... so I updated it. I think it's easier on the eye now!