Glad you liked the game :)
And yeah, there were plans for different enemies, and other stuff to keep the content loop more engaging, but time got the better of me. And I might fiddle a little with it past the jam. Only time will tell :p
Thanks :) I'm glad you liked the game, and I can see what you mean. The lack of a need to move is actually something I wanted to try and address. Maybe enemies with different patterns, or ones that shot you instead of the base would have solved that issue. I just didn't really have enough time to try and implement something like that. Hopefuly that didn't ruin the game for you. And I hope you try out the game while moving, because I think it's actually kinda fun.
And with the pixel art scaling issue, that's just a time issue aswell. I drew the sprite art for the base, and then realised that it was way too small. So rather than drawing it all over again, I figured I'd save time and just scale it up. but yeah, I do agree it looks a bit jank as is :p