Here's some footage! I hope this helps!
Kalli's Creation Station
Creator of
Recent community posts
I can't seem to be able to DM you, so I'll just post my two cash logs here:
While playing on MacOS (13-inch, 2020 MacBook Pro, Intel CPU, 4 Thunderbolts) version of FireFox (Version 135.0.1 - 64 bit) :
An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
RuntimeError: index out of bounds
While playing on the iOS (iPhone SE 3rd Gen, iOS 18.1.1) version of FireFox (Version 135.0 - 50174) :
An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
RuntimeError: Out of bounds memory access (evaluating 'dynCall_viiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)')
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Howdy, everyone!
What’s your name or online handle? 🎮
That depends! lol
On here, my page is called Kalli's Creation Station.
My festival vending name is Kalli's Wagon of Art.
My online store is Doorman's Trading Post.
I have several YouTube channels, with the main one being Da12thKind.
On forums, Discord, and some other social media platforms, I go by a combination of Kallias and Da12thKind.
Where are you from? 🌍
Southeast Texas (United States of 'MERICA). The absolute worst environment for my body to exist in lmao
Have you participated in a game jam before? If so, what’s been your favorite jam? 🎨
Yep! I've submitted to 13 game jams and 2 bundles! My favorite so far has got to be the Underwater Horror Jam, where the three themes to choose from were "fixed perspective," "megalophobia," and "monster's perspective." For that jam, I made a game called Containment Breach wherein you (and up to a few other friends) took on the role of a monster trying to escape from your "abductors" (humans) and their "strange, cold, and smoothed-wall cave" (underwater research station).
What inspires you to create games? 💡
Honestly? Creating art for the sake of creating. Sometimes I put a price tag on my stuff, especially when being a vendor at a festival, but that's because making physical stuff costs money, and, well, Momma's gotta eat lol
These more unique jams are also a major inspiration! I never would have zines in the first place if it wasn't for the Zine Jam: Hobbies Edition event back in 2021.
I mostly try to seek out these writing/physical things/ttrpg jams, as making literature and ttrpgs is much easier for me than making video games, albeit I am trying to get into the habit of using programs like RPG Maker more regularly.
Do you have any holiday traditions or winter activities you love? ❄️🎅
I'm not sure if it counts, but I always wish for a cold winter (which tends to either not happen or just not be consistent) so I can have an excuse to wrap myself up in my house coat and just lay about lol
What theme(s) are you most excited to explore in this jam? 🏔️✨
I think I could do something with either the "Cozy Cabin" or "Winter Wonders" themes, but I'm torn if I want the mood to be cozy or scary ha ha.
Do you have any fun or quirky facts about yourself to share? 🎉
I'm so #quirky lol. In all seriousness, I'm a bi, enby transfemme, and I've been making digital art (mostly in the form of videos, but more recently includes pixel art and game development) for over 15 years!
Thank you for the kind words! Yeah, I was trying to figure out what kind of playstyle I wanted the machine type beasts to have, and I ultimately settled on what's in the game. It always seem like the machine horrors in sci-fi thrillers don't have enough flaws, so I really wanted that as the core for the machine type.
Hey y'all!
I've been looking over the documentation and forum posts to see if I can find an answer to this question: How do you import a color image into decker without it becoming 1-bit? I know we have color options for brushes and such, and I do have "color" selected.
I think I'm almost certainly missing something.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks! Yeah... I couldn't figure out if the Bitsy Engine had support for sound, but I would have loved to added in some music! Hopefully I can remake this game in another engine with proper sounds in the future!
EDIT: So, it turns out that the original Bitsy Engine did get a huge update that supports music and sounds, but the Bitsy *3D Community Hack* does not have this update.