Buying at begging 10 packs makes menu to break and says Lilth.img missing = nothing work
How you are doing with reworking this cool game?
Great work I want to see some more games from you.
Ok thanks
And I try to restart and uninstal the game but nothing helps
I dont know its my phone or some kind of bug but when I try to play on mobile on some point screen looks like this and dont change
When new update will drop, and what he will contain?
Game is going great but I have a question:
Will we be able to "improve" our roommates in the future, for example by buying them these potions?
Keep working beacouse you are doing a great job☺.
Never mind I just realized that game has been updated sorry
Could you tell us when next story update is gona be?
Also its a great game I cant wait to see whats gona happend in future.
I realy enjoy this game, looks very promising and i cant wait to see future story line with all charackters (especialy step sister).
And I have a question: charakters will be getting bigger with our decisions?
Sory for gramar misteakes english isnt easy to me