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A member registered Jul 18, 2020

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This seemed to miss the "out of control" theme. 

Also, there was no incentive to build your craft anything but out horizontally. Building vertically does nothing. Just keep building horizontally and you'll collect every item. 

There's no incentive to build your craft any particular way (such as rocks that might threaten to break your raft, etc.) No real goal or endpoint from what I saw.

Beautiful graphics!
Gameplay is a fairly standard platformer, it seems, so there's not as much of an out of control factor. It would be better if maybe you lost control of the character in some way when having a panic attack rather than just blacking out and being sent all the way back to the first level (which was not very fun and discouraged replay)

Also, took me forever to figure out why I was (seemingly inexplicably) failing level 2. The caution signs should stand out more in a bright color rather than being desaturated with the rest of the background.

Overall, good premise.

A cute idea with cute graphics, but definitely too slow. Nothing felt particularly out of control, either? One big problem is that it seems like it would be a very single-use game mechanic. If you could figure out a way to do even more with the basic idea (maybe multiple rows you have to control all at once? combos?) it could work well.

It's a cute and pretty fun game! I think it would help if there were something to encourage the player to just continue throwing themselves around the level rather than trying to be overly slow/precise. 

It's a fun concept, but boy the controls need work. Or rather, the receptiveness of the car. The slow movement made the game feel sticky and drastically decreased the enjoyment factor. Maybe make the car almost hyper responsive vs under responsive?

Cute artwork and design, though!

I think this is a pretty good idea, but it was quite difficult (not in a good way) due to field-of-view issues (canvas was a little too far apart from the people). As I couldn't focus on the people and the canvas at the same time, it made it less tense because I didn't realize I was already having problems until it was too late to fix them. It might be better to see the people out of the corner of your eye at the same time.

It definitely has potential,  but there was not much fun to be had in having zero control over my ship while getting messages like "your base is under attack." It just made me shrug and go, "well, nothing I can do about it!" Not very incentivizing to keep playing.

I liked the other mechanics such as too much power, etc. though. I think those work better than losing almost complete control over your ship.

It's not a terribly fun of a game mechanic.  I like the idea of being a shepherd, but there's no fun in trying to herd a static sheep.