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A member registered Feb 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh no, wrong verb tense o.o In that case, I'm really curious to see where you bring it. I did notice an interesting theme and definitely want to try out your final version!

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Thanks for playing! Indeed, couldn't get the world border collisions to work before someone here wanted to go to bed ^^ I placed the water as a work-around and made sure the bread only spawned inside there.

For the strafing though, I definitely did normalize the movement vector. See source code:

Maybe it's the camera-work that makes it seem faster? I'm not sure.

Either way, I really enjoyed participating in this game jam. Thanks for hosting it and showcasing all the games!

I love how whenever the character jumps his arms go up, makes me smile every time.

I like how you did manage to incorporate the theme because the character is weak and can't do much of anything except for jump and walk, but it's still fun to play. The only thing I miss is the "growing" part and some completeness to the gameplay, but I know you had more plans for the game.

I think this is a really original and fun concept! I like the way the light casts shadows, it makes for an interesting visual.

At some angles the light is pretty hard to see which made it harder to play, I bet a small change to the materials/shaders would help a lot.

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I really like the sound effects and ambiance. I haven't figured out how to go up further than the 3rd fuel pack yet though, some puzzling is required!