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A member registered Aug 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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same, it's kinda frustrating me

Simple yet very interesting, with a great aesthetic and visuals

I just discovered this, played what there is so far, and I have to say I'm loving what I see! Obviously the game is unfinished, both in story and in art assets, but what's here is very good. The characters are well developed, their interactions land really well, and the overall story has me hooked. There's equally good setups for potential mystery, horror, or both.

Great work so far, and I'm hoping for an update!

Very solid first venture into horror! Creative, creepy, good use of tension

This is wonderful news, and I can't wait to play more of this incredible experience!

That said, please don't crunch. Take your time, pace yourselves. We need more passionate devs and you guys are already killing it

This got me hooked instantly. Eager to see more!

Intense game, intense subject matter, solid visuals, short but great story

I hope you do add the walkthrough because wow am I struggling to find the good ending. XD

Fun game, I really liked this! Some interesting mechanics and bosses

This was good! Fairly short, fun, liked the dialogue, felt like an actual D&D game really

Nice work! Do you have a gallery?

(1 edit)

I can't remember the last time a game's story made me this angry. I seriously want to kill so many people in this game, but at least I got the satisfaction of telling her dad and the restaurant owner to fuck off, that felt really good

Out of curiosity, who does the character art for the game? I like the style

Great job on the story, it really drew me in! I find the characters to be really well-developed and varied. Looking forward to the full release!


I guess this was never fixed... shame, the game looks so cute, but it's unplayable because of the extreme disorientation

So I started playing, seems really interesting so far...and then I got stuck, lol. I got into the storage room but there's no dialogue when touching the crystal, it just tries to get me to use an item I don't have

Glad to hear it! Otherwise, I definitely saw potential here. You know how to create and play off tension

This was a good demo, but my main issue with it is the lighting. The mansion is so ridiculously dark and the phone light so ineffective that it just feels fake. Horror needs to exist naturally, without changing how lighting actually works to generate it artificially

Loved it! This was existential af

I'm a big fan of eldritch horror, and this hit perfect. Her obsession slowly turning manic feels so tangible, and visually it's really good. Do you have a gallery of your artwork by any chance?

Very excited for the next chapter! I've become very engrossed in this story, and in how your stories tie together

A very solid game and story, thoroughly enjoyed and highly recommended

Looking forward to it!

Chapter 1...yea I definitely hope there's more, because this just had me going "What?!" at the end, lol


Literally a masterpiece of writing, art, characterization, and narrative flow. I don't know what more I can say, except that this has raised my bar for visual novels extremely high

I never expected anything on here to hit like that, and I wasn't ready for it. I've had plenty of things touch on personal traumas, but something about your approach is just...different.

Truth is, your writing is pretty brutally amazing, and I look forward to more.

I think I was too raw when I wrote my first review, and I'd like to try again.

As someone who is not only intersex but has also been on the receiving end of abuse, SA, invalidation, and gaslighting, I think this game hit a lot more personally than I wanted it to, heh, but I'd say that's a credit in its favor.

I do have conflicted feelings, but I don't think it's any fault of the writing. I rate the artistry, presentation, pacing, and atmosphere very highly.

That really made me smile

fucking Keith

(1 edit)

Ah, thanks! Okay, finally finished the demo

given what I've seen of comments from others, some pieces of the last puzzle in the demo might need work, but otherwise, this game is really good

me neither, I think the game might be accidentally unplayable

I know there's something under the tiger rug, but I have no idea what to do about it. I've read the clue and see the color order, but that's another stump, it only shows three colors but the mask asks for four parts. I'm definitely going to need more help because I'm seriously stuck

This game is really good! The design and atmosphere are top notch. I might suggest lowering the rain volume a bit, but otherwise, this has been very solid. Unfortunately, I have hit a roadblock

I've gone over the bedroom and bathroom a million times, and have no idea what to do next. I've found "get" "ofblood" and "youcan", and I've got the small key, but it doesn't go to anything in those rooms or the library. Hard stuck. :/

This game has been excellent so far. Lots of character interactions and the aesthetic is top notch! Literally the only complaint I have is that sometimes the quests are a bit obtuse (like the yellow card quest)

Absolute gem. Good characters and environments. Looking forward to the full game!

If it wasn't for having to do that chase sequence at least a dozen times only to get...that...I would have given this game a higher rating. The setup and atmosphere to that point was great. But without a payoff...eh.

Very promising so far, looking forward to a full story!

Absolutely brilliant and well-crafted slice-of-life horror.

Oh my gosh YES

This was so good, and I would very much love to see more!