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A member registered Dec 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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wise word

wow, this is mindblowing!! good job




cool game!

merci :) pour les visuels j’ai écrit un fragment shader (si tu sais pas ce que c’est en gros ça permet d’appliquer une fonction sur chaque pixel d’une texture). tout est aléatoire, le joueur ne peut rien faire d’autre que fermer les yeux (et quitter le jeu)

oh merci beaucoup <3

je me suis enregistré parler puis j’ai détruit l’audio avec des effets audacity (je me suis souviens plus exactement lesquels ahah)


clignotements et déplacement de formes extrêmement rapide

audio dérangeant

mentions directes et indirectes des concepts de mort, de suicide, d’agression, d’humanité, d’art

photographie de banc

absence de jeu


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thanks for playing! the 9 quids “LASR LIDL” is the basic tool (and the cheapest one for a reason), you prob got very unlucky, any other tool would have changed it

i don’t have good words to express how i feel, and since i’m not at ease with writing in english i won’t overstay my welcome in your comment section [future me edit: i did overstay]. this is a beautiful game. it made me feel weird feelings and gave me thinky stuff to think about. did this game make me feel peace? i kinda feel peace. it’s so rare. i don’t know what to say. i will remember this game. i can’t forget it. oh no my brain shut down. sry for the rambling. i don’t know how to express myself without spitting out everything. but yeah… tl;dr i love this game. that’s it. thank you for sharing your work. i’ll go touch grass now.

yo that’s a sick concept! enjoyed the time i spent playing this game. this feels like a vertical slice showcasing perfectly a larger concept, it made me curious to see what could come next! great work

really cool! the gameplay keeps my brain busy and the art is nice on the eyes. i wish than the cursor went back to the center when i let my mouse button go (give my hand some time to rest), but that’s a minor tweak that doesn’t change my opinion on this game. well done!

cool reverso on the shoot ‘em up genre! it fucked my brain a lil bit at first (in a good way!), but once i got i found than the core loop w/ the “enemies” seemingly attacking each other while i (the player) tried to heal the ravage caused by war became entrancing and captivating. it’s an interesting concept. i find it fascinating to play this shoot ‘em up where you are some sort of “secondary character” in a organic world that plays itself, voluntary effect or not, it’s very cool. i would like to see a concept such as this one fleshed out in the feature, probably in a slightly more atmospheric direction.

tl;dr i liked it lol

Very cool game! Bravo

hey! great jam concept, i f-ing love rectangle based games. thank you for organizing this.

just asking before it comes up, are rotating rectangles allowed?

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Jellyboi is a free-movement puzzle plateformer in which you control Jellyboi the jellyfish and dash around underwater levels, avoiding deathpits and spiky traps to get to the exit.

Jellyboi and the Deep Depths LINK

Jellyboi and the Deep Depths LINK

Created by Masséna and myself during the Hitbox Makers 2023 game jam, we had a bucnh of fun making Jellyboi and we might consider expanding it a bit in the future, any feedback is appreciated!

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that’s quite an interesting bug o_O

i fixed the issue and will publish a hotfix, thanks for reporting :)

edit: now uploaded on this page as ‘ (bugfix)’

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

hey i enjoyed the game and want more levels

very clever, good game!

lovely game, thanks for sharing

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Masséna and I are proud to present our latest game, The Yoyo of Zonk, an asymetrical two-player zelda-like roguelite featuring a strong gen Z sense of humor.

One player controls the main character (Zonk) and tries to beat the game, while the other player uses curses and tries to kill Zonk.

Checkout our instruction booklet if you are curious (it’s beautiful trust me)

Play here:


Thank you for reading!


Thank you so much for the kind words 🥞

I’m happy to see you liked the game, and played to it on calculator as well!

Great game, great speedgame. You can feel all the love the creator has for speedrunning when playing this, high recommandation from me. I like it enough to consider running it, I hope a community will emerge around Ablaze Ascent in the near future.

Merci beaucoup !

Merci, ça fait très plaisir !

Merci beaucoup ! Les deux autres fins sont effectivement plus complexes à obtenir, mais il y a du mérite pour les deux premières !

Merci d’avoir joué ! J’incite à perdre des coeurs dans certains niveaux, mais il y a toujours un moyen (parfois plus dur que d’autres, pour équilibrer) de passer sans se faire blesser :)

Très original et ingénieux, j’aime beaucoup !

La quatrième fin est la plus « tordue » en effet. Indice à la fin de ce message.

Merci ! J’ai utilisé le thème comme inspiration, je suis parti sur les arcades commerçantes et ai utilisé des codes communs du pacing de jeux d’arcade. Le plot du scénario est également inspiré par le thème. Ce n’est pas une interprétation au premier degrés, j’espère que ça passera quand même !

SPOILER ! Atteindre un budget qui rend la première fin incohérente peut aider à obtenir la quatrième :)

Ah ah bravo et merci :)

Les choix indiquent $x-$y, $x étant le prix à payer si tu passes l’écran et $y le prix payé si tu échoues. De plus, après chaque défi le prix payé est indiqué. J’ai pas eu le temps d’indiquer clairement comment ce système fonctionne en jeu, désolé pour cela.

Merci d’avoir joué ! J’aime World Hardest Game alors ça fait plaisir à lire eheh :)

J’adore le gameplay, l’idée est géniale et c’est le style de jeu que j’adore ! La DA est simple mais propre. Seul problème pour moi est les morts randoms, si c’est réglé un jour je me referais bien des parties ;)

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Super, hâte de réessayer ce jeu après les résultats dans ce cas :)

Merci pour la note ! Je suis bien content du résultat :)

Thank you! That’s very nice to read.