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A member registered Jan 08, 2019

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I think that the game expects you to kill the boss with one team, and harvest with another -- it's the most efficient way, if you have the manpower and the gear for it. When you do it in one visit (with one team), as we all do in the early game, you reach this "oops! didn't think of that" state -- so no Forget Dungeon button for you :) .

(3 edits)

Yes, the buy-craft-sell cottage industry loop is unviable now. If you instead gather the raw materials yourself, you can still make enough of a profit to get through the early game. Having most of the resources in villages a bit away makes sense both story-wise (everything nearby the city is already used up, or at least claimed by someone) and gameplay-wise (you need to go out and explore).

A few bugs (v0.3.0e, Linux x64):

The save-game dialog (and its filename edit box) leaks keypresses back to the game itself -- type "day 13" and watch the game going into fast-forward into the next day and the banker taking her cut in the morning. (This might be an old strive-sequel bug that the GUI_New/ reorg resurrected.)

You can sex Daisy even though her storyline hasn't progressed far enough to allow it.

The new character template system (nice!) locks in the character name but not the food prefs -- I think it should be the other way around.

The town screen shows your funds (good), but not all the time (bad). [v0.3.1]: Right-clicking makes the fund/food/time/speed widget show up in the corner. That's nice.

I think that the Travel Destination button works like a tab for the pane above. The problem is that it doesn't look like one. [v0.3.1]: Starting the Travel pane at the Destination "tab" helps quite a here.

Some UX things that would be nice:

The character screen title bar has decorations that look like prev/next arrows -- please make them work like that.

Please add a quick-select "home" travel destination and/or add a "Send all home" button to the dungeon screen. That would streamline the "...and back again" part of every excursion. [v0.3.1]: Done by the Travel Destination "pane" change . Thanks!

Please design and add a two-thumb slider for the female/male/futa setup option (like ====[]====[]===. With the current two-slider setup I always have to check my notes to remember what's what. (Interesting design choice here: When one thumb is moved, how should the other one behave? Stay put, or move to keep the proportion, or something else?)

...and Google helpfully finding all meanings of a word -- no matter how archaic, obscure, local, jargon, or niche -- makes picking the best word harder than it should be.

Yes, any of the alternatives so far ("of Manumission", "of Emancipation", "of Freedom") would work for me -- I don't mind obscure words; they add flavour, and I think that rewarding people that do go to the dictionary (or even knows the word outright) is a good thing. (Those that don't care can still hover over the item, read the explanation, and keep playing.)

It also ties in with the world-building: I'd expect a "Writ of Manumission" to have been around since almost forever (ancient tradition? elves?), while a "Writ of Freedom" would be a fairly recent thing (Rousseu Republic?).

Of course, Maverik gets to decide how classical/modern to be in the wording.

Thanks, it works fine now. Here are some more 0.2.1a (w/ the stealth update) stuff:

Typo: The 'Bedroom Prodidgy' trait should only have one 'd'.

Naming: A better name for "Writ of Exemption" would be "Writ of Manumission" -- because 'manumission' is exactly what it does.

Bug: If you take home a travelling character when the shop window "over there" is open, that shop window stays open until you click back to your hometown (Aliron). For distant shops (let's say, Elven Capital), this is more useful than I think it should be.

Bug: Any child of the lord/lady of the manor automatically becomes a slave -- either let me choose, or make them peons. Or heirs.

Bug: Children let me overcrowd the manor with no penalty. Once again, it's too good.

Bug: If the 'Anal Lover' trait comes from the toys, it's always on. (If the trait comes out of the sex sessions, it can be managed/toggled as expected.)

Wishlist item: I'd like [Next], [Prev] buttons (and hotkeys) on the character pane -- having those buttons would streamline traversing the roster.

Wishlist item: I want to see the loadouts when I build my combat squad -- so I can put archers and casters in the back, and sword guys in the front.

Wishlist item (or bug): I can't find any job that grows the Charm stat; so instead I spam the Charm skill once a day -- which is efficient but tedious :( Did I miss anything obvious?

And finally: I'm impressed by the expression evaluator you have in place for conditions and whatnot -- true lambdas would be better, of course, but they seem to be stuck in Godot limbo (<>). Your take on it is about as good as it gets without proper language support. 

Another 0.2.1a bug: The sex sessions sometimes continue past the final round (the remaining-rounds counter go below 0); each extra round prints the error text

SCRIPT ERROR: endencounter: Invalid get index 'unlocked_sex_traits' (on base: 'Reference ()').
   At: res://src/

and pays out the full session XP to the participants -- so getting this error a few times is unbelievably good.

On Linux, the save data is in "$HOME/.local/share/Strive for Power 2/saves/".

Allow tab characters as-is -- at least in code blocks -- instead of auto-expanding them into spaces. This would make it easier to post and discuss code fragments in languages where tabs matter (Python, GDScript, Haskell, Makefile, etc.). Optionally, add a toggle somewhere to switch between new (preserve) and current (expand) behaviour.

It happens to me too, now and then, when loading after an orderly Exit.

[Strive 0.5.22b @ Linux x86_64]

(7 edits)

I too think that the perverted actions are the wrong way around. I did have a Unix-style patch here but I took to down, because:

  1. The Tab character is a bit important in GDScript fragments (offside rule and all that), and the message board software (or maybe Chrome itself) doesn't really like it; all my tabs were expanded into spaces, which messed up the intended indentation. I could (and did) mangle my code fragment to overcome this, but it still wasn't pretty.
  2. More importantly, my patch was buggy and made it all worse -- it stopped perv actions from building stress and eventually getting the Pervert trait.

If I ever find a good way to post GDScript fragments here, I'll do it again.